
The function dialog sometimes obscures the view (perhaps allow to drag+move it?)

shlomif opened this issue · 1 comments


Hi and thanks for cube-composer!

As can be seen in the screenshot, the function's dialog sometimes obscures the view of the cubes, even on a 1920*1080 screen like mine. One thing that can be done is allowing to drag and move it so the rest of the page will be visible. There's for that (which seems old) and I also found but the latter link seems overly detailed.

Thank you for the report.

I think I'd prefer a solution to this problem which is automatic in the sense that the user does not have to do anything. There are three ways to to this (that I can think of right now):

  1. Restrict the number of functions in the program (easy but not a very pretty solution)
  2. Move old steps (old 'walls' of cubes) out to the left once the right boundary is reached.
  3. Have an adaptive spacing between two 'walls' of cubes, which gets smaller once there are many walls/steps (my preferred solution)

Note that this is also related to #22.