
Visualize ignore rules in terminal UI with tree structure

James4Ever0 opened this issue · 4 comments

I have created a project named vignore.


This is using fd to resolve ignore rules and produce a tree structure in terminal UI, so one can interactively create and modify ignore rules.

This is useful for filtering files from extremely large projects.

I wonder in Rust how can one do this. The library for visualization is called textual.

Found two tree view libraries in Rust:

I'm not really sure what you are asking for.

I'm not really sure what you are asking for.

Create additional commandline arguments, visualize the filesystem structure like above.

I called fd twice in the example, so I wonder if one can only call once and do it faster.

This seems like it might be a duplicate of #1441 (since what you really want is the functionality of the ignore crate), although the ignore crate is part of the ripgrep project, fd just uses it.