
Adding an output mode with network-absolute paths

rc9000 opened this issue · 2 comments

I often scp files between hosts and I'd find it very handy for find or fd to have a option to directly output results in this format


I'm also learning rust so I gave it a quick try, it could somewhat look like this:

rc@hackbookpro:~/git/fd $ ./target/debug/fd --network-path -c never fd 
rc@hackbookpro:~/git/fd $ ./target/debug/fd -h | grep network-path      
  -N, --network-path               Prepend hostname for scp copy/paste, implies -a

Would you think this is of general interest? If yes I could clean it up and submit a PR. Otherwise no hard feelings :)

Once #1043 is merged, you could do:

fd --format "$HOSTNAME:{}" --absolute-path -c never

Would that work?

@tmccombs that's actually better than my variant, nice!