
[BUG] Wrong result when --full-path and ..

Rom888 opened this issue · 3 comments


  • I have read the troubleshooting section and still think this is a bug.

Describe the bug you encountered:

mkdir /tmp/1
cd /tmp/1
touch foo
mkdir /tmp/1/2
cd /tmp/1/2

fd --full-path -t f '/tmp/1/foo' ..
# no result here, but expected: ../foo

fd --full-path -t f '/tmp/1/.*/.*/foo' ..
# it seems to me that this result should not be here, but the result is: ../foo

Describe what you expected to happen:

No response

What version of fd are you using?

fd 9.0.0

Which operating system / distribution are you on?

$ uname -srm
Linux 6.5.9-t2-lunar x86_64

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 23.04
Release:	23.04
Codename:	lunar

Hmm i suspect the path it is comparing to might be


@tmccombs That's my guess too. But trying to confirm with --absolute-path causes it to not match any more! I guess that's another bug.

So if --absolute-path is specified, we eagerly normalize the command line search paths:


Lines 666 to 672 in 4efc05e

fn normalize_path(&self, path: &Path) -> PathBuf {
if self.absolute_path {
} else {

Without --absolute-path, the search path stays as-is (..). Then later when matching, if --full-path is given, we call path_absolute_form():


Lines 513 to 516 in b874462

let search_str: Cow<OsStr> = if config.search_full_path {
let path_abs_buf = filesystem::path_absolute_form(entry_path)
.expect("Retrieving absolute path succeeds");

But path_absolute_form() doesn't normalize:


Lines 14 to 21 in b874462

pub fn path_absolute_form(path: &Path) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
if path.is_absolute() {
return Ok(path.to_path_buf());
let path = path.strip_prefix(".").unwrap_or(path);
env::current_dir().map(|path_buf| path_buf.join(path))

I think having --absolute-path change the result set is a bug we need to fix. But we need to be careful.