
conda-forge package

flaviomartins opened this issue · 6 comments

Please consider providing a package for fd on conda-forge

It looks like is the instructions on how to do this.

Bascially, it looks like you need to make a PR to a staging repo for conda-forge with a "recipe" for this package.

I am working on this on conda-forge/fd-find-feedstock#24

The osx_arm64_ build test is failing with Bad CPU type in executable.

@sharkdp I see there are no osx_arm64 binaries on the v10.0.0 release. Should it build?

See #1088

I'm not sure what is going wrong in your case. Maybe it is compiling using the wrong rust target? for osx_arm64 you need to use the aarch64-apple-darwin target for the rust toolchain. But I'm not sure where that is set in the conda-forge config.

See #1088

I'm not sure what is going wrong in your case. Maybe it is compiling using the wrong rust target? for osx_arm64 ou need to use the aarch64-apple-darwin target for the rust toolchain. But I'm not sure where that is set in the conda-forge config.

It was failing when running the test. I skip the test now for arm64 since the test will be running on x86_64 where the cross compilation took place (not sure if azure pipelines has aarch64-apple-darwin machines)

Ah, yes running tests for an aarch64 executable on x86_64 won't work.