
Mixin support for C#

Primary LanguageC#ISC LicenseISC


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Mixin support for C#. When you can't inherit, include!

Mixer provides a smart [Include] attribute that copies the content of one type into another type. This enables you to 'inherit' from additional types beyond the single base class that C# allows.

For example, this code:

public partial class Dog : Mammal
    public void Bark() { ... }

internal class Pet : IPet
    public string Name { get; set; }

compiles as if you had written:

public class Dog : Mammal, IPet
    public void Bark() { ... }

    public string Name { get; set; }

Some facts about this example:

  • Dog inherits the members of its base class, Mammal.
  • An instance of Dog can be cast to Mammal.
  • Through Mixer, Dog also includes the members, interfaces, and attributes of Pet.
  • An instance of Dog cannot be cast to Pet. C# allows only a single base class.
  • An instance of Dog can be cast to IPet.

Mixer is implemented as a Roslyn incremental generator for minimal impact to build times. For each inclusion, Mixer generates a partial type with the name of the target type and containing the members, base types, and attributes of the mixin.


Install this NuGet Package in your project.


To make a class, struct, or record become includable (i.e. a mixin), add the [Mixin] attribute to it.

using Mixer;

internal class MyMixin { ... }

To include the mixin into some other class, struct, or record (i.e. a target type), make the target type partial and add the [Include] attribute to it. Mixer provides both generic and non-generic versions of this attribute.

using Mixer;

// C# 11 and later:

partial class MyTargetType { ... }

// Any verison of C#:

partial class MyTargetType { ... }

That's it!

Building from Source

If you have Visual Studio 2022, just open Mixer.sln and build as you would any other solution.

Or from PowerShell 7:

# The default: build and run tests
.\Make.ps1 [-Test] [-Configuration <String>]

# Just build; don't run tests
.\Make.ps1 -Build [-Configuration <String>]

# Build and run tests with coverage
.\Make.ps1 -Coverage [-Configuration <String>]

Advanced Topics

How do I see the generated code?

Add the following to the project file.


Builds will drop the generated files into the following folder:


To see the generated files in Visual Studio's solution explorer:

  <ItemGroup Condition="'$(EmitCompilerGeneratedFiles)' == 'true'">
    <GeneratedFile Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)generated\Mixer.Generator\Mixer.MixinGenerator\*.cs" />
    <None Include="@(GeneratedFile)" Link="Generated\%(Filename)%(Extension)" />
    <FileWrites Include="@(GeneratedFile)" />