
Use float arithmetic when should use integer arithmetic

Closed this issue · 1 comments

(defun make-float/whole (exp-marker whole-place exp-place)

The code for make-float/whole does floating-point arithmetic when it should do integer arithmetic, which can lose precision. It should do all computation in integers, and then coerce to float, somehing like:

(let ((integer-value (* (number-value whole-place)
                                 (expt 10 
                                     (number-value exp-place))))
     (type (type-for-exponent-marker exp-marker))
 (coerce integer-value type))

make-float/frac should do the same, compute a ratio number, and then coerce.

running on LispWorks:

CL-USER 113 > (read-from-string "5d50")
(read-from-string "5d50")

CL-USER 114 > (parse-number:parse-number "5d50")
(parse-number:parse-number "5d50")

Should also add large exponents to the tests.

Thank you.

Fixed by 715ae01.