
Does configuring Google Analytics in _config.yml work?

jcope2013 opened this issue · 2 comments

I listed my tracking id next to it but I can't seem to get it to work, shouldn't it generate the necessary script tag inside the bottom of my blog posts when I create a new post similar to how Disqus works after it get's configured, When I search through the whole folder, I can't find anything relating to Google Analytics except that one line

I believe it is working properly, I'm seeing both the {% include google_analytics.html %} line in greyshade/source/_includes/head.html file and the greyshade/source/_includes/google_analytics.html file itself, looking to google_analytics_tracking_id variable.

Did you try re-generate the site? Take a look at the real-time feature on google analytics too, it can help perhaps.

this line was for some reason missing at the bottom of head.html file

{% include google_analytics.html %}

no idea why, hopefully that does it, I had the google_analytics.html file

still clueless to how that got deleted