
please upload the sql file...

Closed this issue · 4 comments

please upload the sql file...

hey did you got the sql file?

please check the file of this project @jatinraju @rashi2017

create database shopping;
use shopping;

create table user(name varchar(20),mobile bigint(12),email varchar(40) primary key, address varchar(150),pincode integer(6),password varchar(20));

create table admin(username varchar(30) primary key, password varchar(30));

create table product(pid varchar(16) primary key,pname varchar(20),ptype varchar(20),pinfo varchar(150),pprice decimal(12,2),pquantity int(10),image blob);

create table usercart(username varchar(40), prodid varchar(16),quantity int(4));

create table admin(company varchar(30), email varchar(30), username varchar(30), password varchar(30));

alter table usercart add foreign key (prodid) references product(pid) on delete cascade;

alter table usercart add foreign key (username) references user(email) on delete cascade;

create table transactions(transid varchar(16) primary key,username varchar(40) references user(email) on delete cascade,time datetime, amount decimal(10,2));

create table orders(transid varchar(16) references transactions(transid) on delete cascade, prodid varchar(16) references product(pid) on delete cascade,quantity int(4), amount decimal(10,2), primary key(transid,prodid));

create table user_demand(username varchar(40) references user(email) on delete cascade, prodid varchar(16) references product(pid) on delete cascade, quantity int(4), primary key(username,prodid));