
Not really an issue

gamegratis opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello Shaurya! First I wanna thank you and say that we appreciate A LOT your time and efforts.

My question isnt really an issue. I am concerned about WhatsApp blocking my number if I use a python module like yours to schedule messages. It is possible that WhatsApp tracks my "automated" messages and blocks my number?

I read that Chrome Plugins would be safer. I do know coding with python and Chrome Plugins but not enough to answer those questions.

Again, thank you very much for your efforts on building this module, you are a life saver.

If you use any whatsapp automation program that is not using whatsapp's official api, you are likely to get banned if you use it a lot. More likely to get banned if you send same messages to many people in short interval and those people don't have your contact saved.

If you plan to start with dev of chrome plugin @gamegratis or have already started and need support for contribution, I would love to chip in.