
Exception reported: Menu handle 0 is invalid (error 4)

dowoge opened this issue · 2 comments

L 06/23/2022 - 00:36:37: [SM] Exception reported: Menu handle 0 is invalid (error 4)
L 06/23/2022 - 00:36:37: [SM] Blaming: shavit-mapchooser.smx
L 06/23/2022 - 00:36:37: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 06/23/2022 - 00:36:37: [SM]   [0] Menu.Display
L 06/23/2022 - 00:36:37: [SM]   [1] Line 1638, D:\sourcemod-1.10.0-git6528-windows_v3.2.0\addons\sourcemod\scripting\shavit-mapchooser.sp::OpenEnhancedMenu
L 06/23/2022 - 00:36:37: [SM]   [2] Line 1359, D:\sourcemod-1.10.0-git6528-windows_v3.2.0\addons\sourcemod\scripting\shavit-mapchooser.sp::Command_Nominate

i get this error whenever i try to /nominate

rtldg commented

i think it's waiting for the tiers from shavit-rankings before making the menus but since you were using sqlite the plugin was failing to load (#1148)

rtldg commented

Bandaid fix for this issue with a778908 . Other issue is staying open of course until the rankings plugin supports sqlite