
Error with Example

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Having trouble running neucbot right now. First problem is that the script cannot seem to create a directory when downloading data

[bung@exolab neucbot]$ git clean -xdf & git reset --hard & git pull
[1] 16247
[2] 16248
Removing AlphaLists/Bi210Alphas.dat
Removing AlphaLists/Pb210Alphas.dat
Removing AlphaLists/Po210Alphas.dat
Removing Data/Isotopes/C/
Removing Data/Isotopes/H/
Removing Data/Isotopes/O/
Removing Scripts/chemistry.pyc
Removing Scripts/getAbundance.pyc
Removing Scripts/getENSDFdata.pyc
Removing Scripts/getNaturalIsotopes.pyc
Removing Scripts/parseENSDF.pyc
HEAD is now at f423893 Updated to work with new NNDC URL's and ENSDF files
Already up-to-date.
[1]-  Done                    git clean -xdf
[2]+  Done                    git reset --hard
You have mail in /var/spool/mail/bung
[bung@exolab neucbot]$ ./ -m Materials/Acrylic.dat -c Chains/Pb210Chain.dat
load target material Materials/Acrylic.dat
load alpha chain Chains/Pb210Chain.dat
generating alpha file  ./AlphaLists/Pb210Alphas.dat
generateAlphaList( Pb 210 )
Retrieving ENSDF data from:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 523, in <module>
  File "./", line 467, in main
    alpha_list = loadChainAlphaList(chain_file)
  File "./", line 101, in loadChainAlphaList
    aList_forIso = getAlphaListIfExists(ele,A)
  File "./", line 84, in getAlphaListIfExists
  File "./", line 55, in generateAlphaList
  File "./Scripts/", line 135, in main
  File "./Scripts/", line 113, in main
    getPage(url, ele, A)
  File "./Scripts/", line 24, in getPage
    f = open(fname,'w')
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './Data/Decays/ensdfPb210.dat'

Creating the directory ./Data/Decays gets me past this step.