Survey Length Comps
Closed this issue · 2 comments
@KSten is working on compiling these appropriately now that we know what is happening with the indicies. Marine Area 1 will be removed and all of 2020 will be removed per @LisaHillier in email
@KSten may want to keep a copy of different versions that you have so far. STAR panel may ask different data filters/groupings of the survey data.
Thanks @tsoutt. I have the database ready to filter accordingly, I think that will be easier right now if they want something. I didn't compile anything prior to this version, and it's small enough that it doens't take much to redo if necessary :-)
The version for current use is here @shcaba:
It has the SS layout and a couple of options for NSamp. I added in years that have no data and highlighted them in red in the SS tab, I couldn't remember if the model needs the years to be consecutive or if it's okay to have gaps.
IF we have to do updates, I'm happy to do so when that comes! I think this took all of 15 minutes to put together.