
Problem with Docker

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to use docker to generate the files, but it seens meow have some issues by parsing the cmd line arguments.

FROM node:15.1.0-alpine3.10

RUN npm -g install graphqlviz

RUN graphqlviz ausheuashe

That is expected to say that file ausheuashe does not exists, but the help message is shown instead. I can also put anything as argument it will always show the help.

 > [stage-1 4/6] RUN graphqlviz ausheuashe:                                                                                             
#8 2.092                                                                                                                                
#8 2.092   GraphQL Server CLI visualizer                                                                                                
#8 2.092                                                                                                                                
#8 2.092   Options:                                                                                                                     
#8 2.092     -t --theme      path to theme overrides
#8 2.092     --print-theme   print default theme to stdout
#8 2.092     -v --verbose    print introspection result
#8 2.092     -a --auth       set Authorization header for graphql server
#8 2.092 
#8 2.092   Usage:
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz [url]
#8 2.092         Renders dot schema from [url] endpoint
#8 2.092 
#8 2.092   Examples:
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz https://localhost:3000 | dot -Tpng -o graph.png
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz -a "Bearer xxxxx" | dot -Tpng -o graph.png
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz | dot -Tpng | open -f -a Preview
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz path/to/schema.json | dot -Tpng | open -f -a Preview
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz path/to/schema.graphql | dot -Tpng | open -f -a Preview
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz --print-theme > theme.json
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz https://localhost:3000 -t theme.json | dot -Tpng | open -f -a Preview
#8 2.092     $ graphqlviz schema.json --theme.header.invert=true | dot -Tpng > schema.png
#8 2.092 

That also happens if I create a bash script and put the graphqlviz command inside.

I believe the issue is that Docker build RUN commands are not interactive or tty sessions. Currently, the graphqlviz cli assumes that if it is not tty then the input will be piped to stdin. Running it interactively within a docker container (docker run -it ...) should work fine.

Well, I can't run docker run because its a image build process ( I generate the markdown files for a documentation ) :(

Why it is reading the stdin since all arguments are coming from the command line?

That "feature" is there because it is sometimes useful to pipe from curl or similar for graphql endpoints that require authentication or which nest the introspection data somewhere in the response.

Sure, but why is exiting the program when no stdin is used? 🤔

It exits because stdin closes since it's not actually being piped to. As a workaround you could pipe the contents of your file using cat or similar.

As per #34 there is now an error message when run without a tty and nothing is passed to stdin to make this easier to debug