
Using memento with Phoenix releases

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Im trying to build a release of an application that uses Memento.
When running the app with mix phx.server everything works as expected.
When I try to create a production release, I get an error when trying to access the store.
%Memento.Error{message: "Transaction Failed with: {:no_exists, Sigfox.DeviceState}"}

Any help would be much appreciated.


Similar problem over here, have you find any solutions @ghost?

sax commented

I'm just getting started with Memento, and so have not made it to production yet. My guess, though, is that you have not called Memento.Table.create/1 as a part of your release process.

Depending on where you're deploying, you might need to add some release code in the same way that you would run Ecto migrations.

I like to use Application start phases, which require adding start_phases to the application callback in mix.exs. So I'm planning to add start_phases: [memento: []], and then create my tables in my application callback.