
On comparison of MINERVA with other KBE baselines

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Hi, thanks for releasing the code! I have some questions on comparison of MINERVA with other baselines such as ComplEx and DistMult. In Section 4.1, it is mentioned that for FB15K-237, "The performance of ConvE and ComplEx are taken from Dettmers et al. (2017)". In the codebase, you have considered link prediction queries (h, r, ?) i.e. to predict the tail entity given head and the relation. Whereas, in most other KBE works, they average the results for (h, r, ?) and (?, r, t) while reporting the results.


  1. In Table 6 of your paper, does your result correspond to just (h, r, ?) or the average?
  2. For other baselines, do you report the metrics for (h, r, ?) or the average? In Dettmers et al. (2017), the Hits@10 numbers reported for ConvE and ComplEx are 0.501 and 0.428 whereas in your paper, it is 0.458 and 0.419 respectively.

Thanks for your time!