
Expired JWT returns a 401

Seluj78 opened this issue · 6 comments


When trying to use an expired token (the one I used was created on Monday and expired this morning at 9:26am GMT+1), you get a 401 response from the API.

I don't think this is standard but also it's confusing for us using the API. We cannot know if it is just because the token is expired, malformed, or missing.

I've tested with a malformed token and I get the same 401 error.





By returning 401, we inform the requester that there is an issue with the authentication, encompassing malformatted, invalid, or missing tokens. The MDN states:

The 401 Unauthorized response status code indicates that the client request has not been completed because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource.

For that reason, I don't believe there is a status code with a semantically correct meaning for each case. In my experience with API development and consumption, this behavior aligns with the standard.

However, if you have any suggestions on this matter, we would be happy to consider them.

Thank you !

While it does make sense to only return a 401, I (personally) enforce more specifics error messages when encountering errors with authentication.

For example, taken from our main backend codebase (In Python/Flask, using flask-jwt-extended)

    def expired_token_loader(di, di2):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "UnauthorizedError",
                "name": "Unauthorized Error",
                "message": "Token has expired.",
                "solution": "Please refresh your token.",
            "code": 401,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 401
        return resp

    def invalid_token_loader(reason):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "UnauthorizedError",
                "name": "Unauthorized Error",
                "message": f"Token is invalid: {reason}.",
                "solution": "Please refresh your token.",
            "code": 401,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 401
        return resp

    def needs_fresh_token_loader(di, di2):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "UnauthorizedError",
                "name": "Unauthorized Error",
                "message": "Fresh token is needed.",
                "solution": "Please refresh your token.",
            "code": 401,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 401
        return resp

    def revoked_token_loader(di, di2):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "UnauthorizedError",
                "name": "Unauthorized Error",
                "message": "Token is revoked.",
                "solution": "Please refresh your token.",
            "code": 401,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 401
        return resp

    def unauthorized_loader(reason):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "UnauthorizedError",
                "name": "Unauthorized Error",
                "message": f"Unauthorized: {reason}.",
                "solution": "Check your parameters.",
            "code": 401,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 401
        return resp

    def token_verification_failed_loader(di, di2):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "UnauthorizedError",
                "name": "Unauthorized Error",
                "message": "Token verification failed.",
                "solution": "Please refresh your token.",
            "code": 401,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 401
        return resp

    def user_lookup_error_loader(di, di2):  # pragma: no cover
        json = {
            "success": False,
            "error": {
                "type": "BadRequestError",
                "name": "BadRequest Error",
                "message": "User in identity not found in database.",
                "solution": "Try again.",
            "code": 400,
        resp = jsonify(json)
        resp.status_code = 400
        return resp

For each specific error I have a message that explains what happened and possibly how to fix it. It allows to guide developers to use our API correctly and not just get stuck with a 401 and not being sure why

Unfortunately, the current state of the API lacks descriptive error messages. Addressing this is a key goal for the upcoming v2 version.

I plan to keep this issue open and will add a milestone, closing it upon the release of v2. Sound good to you?

Wonderful, sounds great to me! Thank you very much for taking this into consideration

Quick question, when can we expect the api V2 to enter into development/be released ?

Quick question, when can we expect the api V2 to enter into development/be released ?

Currently, we're finalizing the requirements, so I cannot provide a specific date for the start of development.