
koa-webpack for server side rendering

chenlupeng007 opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Node Version: v11.5.0
  • yarn Version: 1.13.0
  • koa Version: 2.6.2
  • koa-wepback Version: 5.2.1

my webpack.config.js is an array which has two elements, one for client rendering, another for server side rendering. so const multiCompilers = webpack(config) means we get multi-compilers, then

        compiler: multiCompilers,
        devMiddleware: { publicPath: '/'  }

means we apply koa-webpack for multiCompilers, I know that koa-webpack can deal with multi-compilers, but for server side compiler, it should not apply webpack-hot-client, it seems that koa-webpack doesn't deal with the problem, it that right?

That's correct. koa-webpack's purpose is to combine webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-client. It doesn't support SSR.

why not change the line in koa-webpack/lib/index.js:

const hotClient = await getClient(compiler, options);


if(compiler.compilers) {
  const hotClient = await getClient(compiler.compilers.find(compiler => === 'client'), options);
} else { 
  const hotClient = await getClient(compiler, options);