
Pre-0.5 freecoin library

Primary LanguageC


freecoin is a fully-functional cryptocurrency I'm making for fun. Unlike most cryptocurrencies which followed Bitcoin (litecoin, dogecoin), freecoin uses no Bitcoin source code.


What is a cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a currency that is functionally possible because of cryptography. Mathematics and cryptographic principles allow a user to prove they were the recipient of a past transaction.

What does it mean to be "decentralized"?

With banks that deal with regular currencies, all regulation happens in one place. Storing the amount of money each person has along with the processing of transactions all happens on a few servers. Though they probably take backups and security very seriously, banks (and the governments that regulate them) represent a central authority over a vastly powerful resource. With decentralized currencies, transactions are processed and balances are stored by the people. Everyone agrees on how things should work, so it works.

Protocol specification

#####Revision 4 - 9/28/15

Freecoin uses a session-layer protocol that enables peer-to-peer communication. It is intended to be used specifically for freecoin.

The freecoin protocol requires a reliable underlying transport layer protocol. This is due to the nature of the exchanged data; info must be able to permeate the network quickly.

Message content types

Messages can be of fixed or variable size. If they are the latter, some fixed part of their content specifies the size of the following content. All messages have an additional 3 bytes at the beginning specifying their client version and their content type.

Name reject
Value 0
Size 1B + 1B + [<=255B] (ERRORTYPE + info_size + info)
Purpose Tell a peer that a block/tx/time/alert/version is invalid. Sent in response to various messages.
Content ERRORTYPE byte and info about what specifically is invalid.
Name getblocks
Value 1
Size 32B + 1B (start_block + block_count)
Purpose Request an inv containing start_block and (block_count-1) blocks following it (up to 255). Used to update blockchain from a block onward. Sent unsolicited.
Content A block hash and a block count.
Name mempool
Value 2
Size 0B
Purpose Request an inv containing peer's mempool txs. Alternatively named gettxs to fit in with getnodes and getblocks. Sent unsolicited.
Content N/A
Name inv
Value 3
Size 1B + 1B + ?*32B (DATATYPE + data_ids_count + data_ids[])
Purpose Tell a peer about blocks or txs that you have. Sent unsolicited or in response to getblocks or mempool.
Content List of tx or block hashes that you have in your mempool or blockchain, respectively; or list of peers you are connected to.
Name getdata
Value 4
Size 1B + 1B + ?*32B (DATATYPE + data_ids_count + data_ids[])
Purpose Request full block(s)/tx(s) or all of a peer's peers. Sent unsolicited, often in response to an inv (for the former cases).
Content DATATYPE byte and identifying hash(es).
Name block
Value 5
Size 4B + [varies] (size + block)
Purpose Send a full block to a peer. Solicited by getdata.
Content A full block.
Name tx
Value 6
Size 4B + [varies] (size + tx)
Purpose Send a full transaction to a peer. Solicited by getdata.
Content A full transaction.
Name peer
Value 7
Size 2B + 2B + [varies] (port + addrlen + addr)
Purpose Send a full transaction to a peer. Solicited by getdata.
Content A full transaction.
Name alert
Value 8
Size 1B + 1B + 4B + 128B + 1B + [<=255B] (ALERTTYPE + command + time + sig{ALERTTYPE+time+msg}) + msg_len + msg
Purpose Notify entire network about network emergency. Only valid if signed by key at key.shelt.ca. int
Content Information about the network issue. Depending on ALERTTYPE, the implementation may need to take action (such as not allowing mining).
Name ping
Value 9
Size 0B
Purpose Verify connectivity of peer. Sent unsolicited.
Content N/A
Name pong
Value 10
Size 0B
Purpose Verify connectivity of self to peer. Solicited by ping.
Content N/A


See the <reject> message specification for full size of error messages.


Value 4
Size 32B
Meaning Block's prev_hash is already in another block.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 5
Size 32B
Meaning Block's time is before last block.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 6
Size 32B
Meaning Block's merkle_root does not match body.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 7
Size 32B
Meaning Block's target is not correct.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 8
Size 32B
Meaning Block's hash isn't valid as per the target.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 9
Size 32B
Meaning Transaction(s) in body are invalid. No tx-specific reject messages are needed because the offender shouldn't have send such a block anyway.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 10
Size 32B
Meaning Block is larger than 1 MB.
Content Offending block's hash.
Value 11
Size 32B
Meaning Block already exists in the blockchain.
Content Offending block's hash.


Name unused
Value 12
Value 13
Size 32B
Meaning Transaction input signature is invalid.
Content Offending transaction's hash.
Value 14
Size 32B
Meaning A transaction input is already used or nonexistant.
Content Offending transaction's hash.
Value 15
Size 32B
Meaning A transaction's inputs are smaller than outputs.
Content Offending transaction's hash


Value 1
Size 0B
Meaning Incompatible version.
Content N/A
Value 2
Size 0B
Meaning Data within the message was not parsed according to specification.
Content N/A
Value 3
Size 0B
Meaning First byte represents an unknown protocol CTYPE.
Content N/A


(used for inv and getdata)

0 blocks
1 transactions
2 peers

Network procedures

The following are standards for accomplishing network tasks. This is how they are implemented in the freecoin source. Some things to note:

  • Networking is designed in such a way that all sending and Receiving can happen concurrently and independently of one another. For instance, a function which sends a <getblocks> doesn't wait for some <block> messages; it simply returns to its caller which in turn waits for some blocks to show up.

  • mempool: A place where un-added transactions are stored

  • limbo: A place where non-blockchain (Received) blocks are stored until they can be added

ANY TIME BLOCKS ARE ADDED TO CHAIN: remove any transactions that are in them from the mempool.

The underlying goal of each client that keeps the network working is: we always want to have the highest block height possible. Therefore, we also want to know about every block we can.

Joining the network (theoretical)

  • Try connecting to known nodes until one works. This is peer0 .

For (0 <= n < 8):

  • Ask peern what peers they are connected to. Select a node randomly from this pool (excluding ourself, peer[0,n-1] and any nodes we've failed to connect to). This is peern+1.
  • If peern for n>0 has less than 8 peers, send them a list of all our peers.
  • If peern for n>0 has no nodes that are valid to us (according to above exclusions), select another node from the same pool we selected peern from.

Joining the network (programatically):

  • Send a connected server a <getnodes>. We will Receive an <inv> of peers (handled seperately, see Receiving an <inv> (peers))
  • Wait 15 seconds and for peercount to reach 4 (normally) or 1 (testnet).

Receiving a <reject>

  • Display details of error to user.

Receiving a <getnodes>

TODO noexist

Receiving a <getblocks>

  • If we have the specified start_block in our blockchain
    • Reply with as many <block>s as we can between (1-255) and (1-block_count) (not inclusive of start_block)

Receiving a <mempool>

  • If we have at least 1 transaction in our mempool:
    • reply with as many <tx>s as we can (1-255).

Receiving an <inv> (blocks)

  • For each block hash:
    • If we don't have the block hash in our blockchain or limbo:
      • reply with a <getdata> for the block.

Receiving an <inv> (transactions)

  • For each transaction hash:
    • If we don't have the transaction hash in our mempool:
      • Reply with a <getdata> for the transaction.

Receiving a <getdata> (blocks)

  • For each requested block
    • If we have the block in limbo or our blockchain:
      • Reply with the correct <block>

Receiving a <getdata> (txs)

  • For each requested tx:
    • If we have the tx in our mempool:
      • Reply with the correct <tx>

Receiving a <getdata> (peers)

  • If we are connected to at least 1 peer:
    • Reply with a <peer> of all connected peers

Receiving a <block>

  • If the block height compared to our blockchain height is:
    • Less than or equal to, or 2 or more greater than:
      • Save the block to limbo.
    • 1 greater than:
      • If the prev_blockhash is the different from the latest block in our chain:
        • Save the block to limbo.
      • Otherwise: -check if this block is valid. If it isn't: - Drop and block the peer that sent it.
        • Otherwise:
          • Add this block to our blockchain.
          • Tell our peers about this block in an <inv>
  • For each block in limbo with a height greater than our current blockchain height, in order from greatest difference to smallest:
    • If that block can be traced back (through prev_hashs) to a block in our blockchain:
      • If each block in that limbo chain is valid:
        • Swap the limbo chain with our current blockchain at the point of similarity (this is called a revert). The unused blocks should now be in limbo.
        • Send all our peers an <inv> containing the newly added chain.
        • [break loop]
      • Otherwise:
        • drop and block the peer that sent it. Optionally, send a error-specific <reject> message.
    • Otherwise:
      • Send a <getblock> for the referenced yet missing block.
      • [continue loop]

Receiving a <tx>

  • If we don't have the transaction hash in our mempool:
    • If the transaction is double-spending from the mempool or the blockchain
    • If the transaction is valid

Receiving a <peer>

  • Save the peers (excluding ourselves and ones we already have) to file
  • If we are connected to less than 8 peers:
    • TODO

Receiving an <alert>

  • TODO

Receiving a <ping>

  • Reply with <pong>

Receiving a <pong>

  • Inform user

Misc procedures

Do periodically:

  • Send an <inv> of your latest block.
  • Send an <inv> of your peers.

Validating a block

  • Applying the SHA256 hash function to the block's header (first SIZE_BLOCK_HEADER bytes) must result in a value less than or equal to the expanded form of target.
  • version must match that of the current client.
  • time must be after that of the block corresponding to prev_hash.
  • height must be one more than that of the block corresponding to prev_hash.
  • prev_hash must correspond to a valid block (for blocks of height > 0).
  • merkle_root must be the merkle root of the transactions in the body, in order.
  • target must be the correct target in terms of the block corresponding to prev_hash and the block 2016 blocks ago.
  • The body of the block must contain tx_count transactions, all of which must be valid, with the following exception:
    • The first transaction is allowed to be a coinbase transaction.

Validating a coinbase transaction

  • in_count must be 0.
  • The combined output amount must be equal to or less than (MINING_REWARD + the combined output surplus from other transactions in the transaction's block).

Validating a transaction (non-coinbase)

  • in_count must be greater than 1.
  • version must match that of the current client.
  • The the sum of the amounts corresponding to each input must be equal to or greater than the sum of this transaction's outputs' combined amount.
  • If the transaction is larger than 1000 bytes, this transaction's outputs' combined output surplus must be equal to or greater than [transaction_size] * TX_FEE_PER_1K.
  • The body of the transaction must consist of in_count inputs followed by out_count outputs, all of which must be valid.

Validating a transaction input

  • ref_tx must be in our blockchain. If not, this procedure should return ERR_TX_BAD_REF, which should be passed to the source of this transaction.
  • The out_indexth output of the ref_tx must not be spent elsewhere in the chain.
  • The out_indexth output of the ref_tx must have an out_address which is a valid address of pubkey.
  • sig must be a valid RSA signature of (ref_tx .. out_index).
  • The current time (or the time of the block) must be equal to or greater than lock_time.

Validating a transaction output

An output can contain any data because it is limited by the fee and amount rules of transaction validation.

Submitting a transaction

  • Send all peers an <inv> containing new transaction's hash

Upon finding a valid block


Source information

Data storage

Freecoin currently uses Berkeley DB for data storage.

  • blockhash:blockdata *txhash:blockdata (secondary)
  • node:TODO

Source guidelines

  • size_t should be used when dealing with array sizes UNLESS it is measuring lengths of serialized data (where such a number would need to fit in the specified range).
  • Memory allocation (i.e., blocks) for a function's output is always done via implementation. Pointers to the pre-allocated memory block are passed into the function (typically as the last parameter).
  • Only include things in the header file when the header file itself needs them.
  • Functions which use/modify a type or form of data (block, tx) should be prefixed as such: block_init() or tx_get_size()
  • The following are "reserved" prefixes used in identifiers: | Prefix | Meaning | | ---- | ---- | | ffind_ | Store information into provided memory which is stored in file(s) | | {type}_ | Performs some {type}-specific operation, where {type} is a struct or structured block of memory. |



Blockchain transactions need to be indexed to validate blocks and transactions. Should transactions in blocks in limbo also be indexed?

**A: ** No. We only need to index transactions to determine if they should be added to our workblock. If our workblock is included in the blockchain, the limbo blocks are not relevant. Similarily, if the limbo blocks end up being used in the blockchain, our workblock is not relevant.


  • How do we store blocks on the filesystem?


  • Make networking ipv6-friendly
  • Clean up header files
  • The first 64B chunk of every hash need not be calculated on each iteration.
  • make all functions that copy data to a ptr also return the ptr