
Enhance WebController to support a web site

gerritv opened this issue · 4 comments

I need/want to add some web pages to the server. This will lead to using that web pages to show statistics of my libraries and to also Update/Remove etc. books and documents so I don't have to use Command window. To that end I added an empty index.html to the project. And then enhanced the webcontroller to support a general web site. If you issue http://:8080 it will get index.html (as default page)

public class WebController : ApiController
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles web site if present, otherwise redirects to /opds
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filename"></param>
    /// <returns>Http Response message</returns>
    public HttpResponseMessage ServeIndex(string filename)
        var file = GetFile("index.html");
        if (filename == null)
            if (file == null)
                file = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Moved);
                file.Headers.Location = new Uri("/opds", UriKind.Relative);
                return file;
            if ((file = GetFile(filename)) == null)
                file = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        return file;

index.html served on all routes except /static/* and /opds/* because of Single-Page Applications (written in React, Angular, etc...) routing requirement (called "HTML5 mode" sometimes). I didn't want to build general purpose server as it'll still requires ajax calls on all pages.

However I can change logic if you really need to serve bunch of static htmls: if filename + .html exists serve it, otherwise check for index.html existence. If both failed - redirect to /opds or say "Not found".

I think (thought) that is what my code accomplished? :-) I will send you an email today with my thoughts on what my goals are for the document management problem I am solving. Your recent checkins go a long way to making this a perfect solution for me.

Well, maybe not an email 'Mailbox size limit exceeded '