
MyShows: JSON-RPC error: "Internal error

Opened this issue · 6 comments

When I only installed the plugin, then 2 or 3 scrobbles were successful.
But from that time no items were scrobbled to

The only thing I can find in the logs is:

[2023-12-13 15:07:44.750 +02:00] [INF] [426] MyShows: Playback Stopped
[2023-12-13 15:07:44.751 +02:00] [INF] [426] MyShows: Item is played. Scrobble
[2023-12-13 15:07:45.019 +02:00] [WRN] [293] MyShows: JSON-RPC error: "Internal error"
[2023-12-13 15:07:45.020 +02:00] [INF] [293] MyShows: Checked episode '"Медиатор"' S1E1 "failed"

It's the same for all the episodes I've watched (not only for the one particular).

Could this be fixed from my end?

JSON-RPC error: "Internal error"

Indicates that something on their end. I don't think we can do anything with that other than re-login. They are not really interested in communication about API.

JSON-RPC error: "Internal error"

Indicates that something on their end. I don't think we can do anything with that other than re-login. They are not really interested in communication about API.

I've contacted Myshows support and they ask more detailed logs about my error.
They need examples of queries that cause an error.
Could we provide more detailed logs?

_logger.LogWarning("JSON-RPC error: {0}", result.error.message);

Could we provide more detailed logs?

Try this build

_logger.LogWarning("access token: {0}, request: '{1}'", user.AccessToken, JsonSerializer.Serialize(call, JsonDefaults.Options));
_logger.LogWarning("JSON-RPC error: id: {0}, {1} - {2}",, result.error.code, result.error.message);

Try this build

Thank you!

No errors in logs for now. Just successful scrobbling!

[2023-12-31 13:35:42.863 +02:00] [INF] [50] MyShows: Item is played 90%. Scrobble
[2023-12-31 13:35:43.194 +02:00] [INF] [47] MyShows: Checked episode '"«Монарх»: Наследие монстров"' S1E1 "successfully"
[2023-12-31 13:37:15.408 +02:00] [INF] [9] MyShows: Item is played 90%. Scrobble
[2023-12-31 13:37:15.774 +02:00] [INF] [31] MyShows: Checked episode '"«Монарх»: Наследие монстров"' S1E3 "successfully"

@shemanaev I've figured out the reason for this error.
It happens when the plugin can't match the show I've watched with the show on Myshows.

For example, this:

[2024-01-07 19:59:34.423 +02:00] [WRN] [319] MyShows: JSON-RPC error: id: 22, 404 - "Internal error"
[2024-01-07 19:59:34.423 +02:00] [INF] [319] MyShows: Checked episode '"Контакт (2021)"' S2E1 "failed"

because this show is named simply "Контакт" (without the year).

Almost the same was with "Чукур". The original series season has around 30-40 episodes. And when the show was translated, then each original episode was split into 2 or 3 episodes.
So, the plugin tried to mark the 100th episode and Myshows only had 30 or 40 in the season.

When I've fetched the data from another source and the title of the show changed to "Контакт" then the show was successfully scrobbled:

[2024-01-07 21:09:50.744 +02:00] [INF] [265] MyShows: Item is played 90%. Scrobble
[2024-01-07 21:09:51.647 +02:00] [INF] [208] MyShows: Checked episode '"Контакт"' S2E2 "successfully"

The show I'm currently watching

(I can speak Ukrainian/Russian if needed)

[2024-01-07 20:22:02.457 +02:00] [WRN] [68] MyShows: access token: "~~~", request: '"{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"shows.GetByExternalId\",\"id\":25,\"params\":{\"id\":15426020,\"source\":\"imdb\"}}"'
[2024-01-07 20:22:02.458 +02:00] [WRN] [68] MyShows: JSON-RPC error: id: 25, 404 - "Internal error"

Sorry for late response.


Это старый id сериала "Контакт (2021)", который работает как редирект на IMDb, но MyShows не обрабатывает такие случае, судя по всему. На рассинхрон id между Jellyfin и MyShows я повлиять, увы, не могу.

Almost the same was with "Чукур". The original series season has around 30-40 episodes. And when the show was translated, then each original episode was split into 2 or 3 episodes.
So, the plugin tried to mark the 100th episode and Myshows only had 30 or 40 in the season.

Вот тут тоже история такая, что автоматический маппинг серий не сделать нормально.

When I've fetched the data from another source

Какой источник, если не секрет? У меня пока не было проблем с TMDB