
Can I pay for modifications of the module?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I would like to get some major update of this module, to cover most aspects of O.R.E. I'm willing to pay. Can I pay you? Or is it ok to pay someone else and then make pull requests here?

Hi @DanielRonnstam ! I don't have much time these days to work on this module, but you should know it is absolutely fine to contribute to this module, to pay others to contribute to it, or to copy the code and include in your own improved module. This project uses the MIT license and I am 100% in favor of anyone developing it further in any way they like.

I might return to develop this module more in the future, if/when my game group starts playing with an ORE system. Until then, you can feel free to do what you want, and you're welcome to write down a list of features you want/need and maybe I'll have time to add them myself.