
Spell Save DC is always 'null' (0), even when cast using a player actor as the source

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Whether I cast a saving-throw spell as the 'roll from chat' actor (which should be DC10 by default) or from a player token (which is currently DC13), the actual saving throw is DC 'null', so it's basically impossible to fail the save haha.

I wrote this as a separate issue to my other one, as I thought it would be easier to track :)

Seems to be fixed in v1.5.0 (which is for Foundry v10)

Ok cool, I was using Flat-DC when I was testing which worked, it was just the automatic DC that didn't. As you know I'm currently using a macro instead, but happy to help get this module working too as I think it's a cool concept (and the macro is certainly not as easy for people like me to deal with haha luckily someone made it for me!)
I'll stop commenting on this thread now as I'll assume its resolved (I can't test v10 yet)