
Get access to the bseq-sc code

jperales opened this issue · 8 comments

It would be great to get access to the bseq-sc code, which was used in A single-cell transcriptomic map of the human and mouse pancreas reveals inter- and intra-cell population structure (PMID:27667365). The paper was published few months ago and the code is not available yet.

Thank you very much for your attention and your great work!

Javier Perales-Paton

Sorry for the delay on this. I am busy wrapping the code into a package.
Will link my pushing commit to this issue, so that you get notified when it is up. Soon.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
Wrapping the code into a package sounds great. Will it be wrapped in an R package?
Looking forward to getting access to this promising tool! :) 👍

I am waiting for this package as well! great work.

@renozao Please, do you have any news on this issue? I am really interested in using this package. I could help you as early user. Thanks!


Hi, I finally managed to put it up together. Doing final checks and will push. Target is in couple of days.

I have pushed an initial version just now.
Please let me know if you experience installation issues, as there are quite a few dependencies.

OK! I will let you know asap. I just started with the installation of third-party dependencies. I will get back to you in a few days. Thank you very much for your great work!


Great tool, love it!