
Error in out[[t]]$coefs

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 we are testing our data with bseqsc, while occurs the errror:
  > fit <- bseqsc_proportions(skinbulkset, B, verbose = TRUE)
  * Data features: 'MAP2K6', 'HK2', ..., 'RP11-412H9.2' (11,262 total)
  * Basis features: 'LMX1A', 'CACNA2D1', ..., 'COL4A1' (198 total)
  * Common features: 'DSCAML1', 'CACNA1B', ..., 'C12orf55' (133 total)
  * Converting to linear scale
  * Writing input files ... OK
  * Running CIBERSORT ... Error in out[[t]]$coefs : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
  In addition: Warning message:
  In parallel::mclapply(1:svn_itor, res, mc.cores = svn_itor) :
    all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code

  Any advice provided is appreciated.