
Doesnt load after latest update

nikgre opened this issue · 3 comments

After updating the image, it doesnt init anymore.

ProtonMail Bridge is not able to detected a supported password manager (pass,
gnome-keyring). Please install and set up supported password manager and restart bridge
the application.
Frontend error

I get this when loading the container with docker run --rm -it -v protonmail:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge bash
after trying it the normal way because it kept getting stuck at "Generating a basic OpenPgp key"

pass should be already installed in the image, but it need to be initialized, which is done in the normal initialization. If you get stuck, try running the following two commands in the bash and then start the bridge.
gpg --generate-key --batch /protonmail/gpgparams
pass init pass-key

I thought I had the same problem, but the latest version works fine. I would say:

  • The gpg process may look as if it's hanging, but it's just taking several minutes to run.
  • Make sure you're mapping your volume correctly. At the end of the initialization run, you should see these files in the volume:
drwxr-x--- 3 root     root     4.0K May  3 22:20 .cache/
drwxr-x--- 3 root     root     4.0K May  3 22:20 .config/
drwx------ 4 root     root     4.0K May  3 22:23 .gnupg/
drwx------ 3 root     root     4.0K May  3 22:20 .local/
drwx------ 3 root     root     4.0K May  3 22:20 .password-store/

(And to the author, thank you for this.)

@nikgre The gpg process could take a long time depending on your environment. Try wait longer to see if it works. If you still have no luck, try something here.