Helm chart for protonmail-bridge-docker
Eagleman7 opened this issue · 2 comments
I've used your container to setup an helm chart app for kubernetes:
This will provide an easier way to run your app in kubernetes since it can be installed with 2 command:
helm repo add k8s-at-home https://k8s-at-home.com/charts/
helm install k8s-at-home/protonmail-bridge
Then the desciption from the kubernetes ticket still applies:
- Get the name of your deployed pod kubectl get pods
- Run interactively on the pod (setup only) kubectl exec --stdin --tty protonmail-bridge-deployment-6c79fd7f84-ftwcw -- /bin/bash
- Once logged in, execute the init command bash /protonmail/entrypoint.sh init
- You should now see the CLI for protonmail-bridge, authenticate with login
- (optional) if you're like me and use split address mode, change mode and info are good for printing the details.
- Copy your SMTP server info (or IMAP, your choice)
- delete the active pod so a new one gets created (which will properly fire up with your persisted settings)
Thanks for the contribution. I already updated README to metion the helm chart and this issue.
Get the name of your deployed pod kubectl get pods
Run interactively on the pod (setup only) kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n core protonmail-bridge-deployment-6c79fd7f84-ftwcw -- /bin/bash
chmod +x /protonmail/entrypoint.sh
kill 19
Once logged in, execute the init command bash /protonmail/entrypoint.sh init
You should now see the CLI for protonmail-bridge, authenticate with login
(optional) if you're like me and use split address mode, change mode and info are good for printing the details.
Copy your SMTP server info (or IMAP, your choice)
delete the active pod so a new one gets created (which will properly fire up with your persisted settings)