
error="backend/credentials: malformed secret: malformed credentials"

eajessee opened this issue · 1 comments

I created the docker (Install Method below) and the bridge runs and traffic communicates through it but I see these errors in the logs. It also looks like the user credentials were stored encrypted like they should be.

Install Method:

docker run --rm -it -v /mnt/user/appdata/protonmail-bridge:/root shenxn/protonmail-bridge init

Allow bridge to start

Use command "login"

Prompts correctly for user:pass

Account and encrypted credential info redacted

ERRO[Aug 4 02:20:37.047] Could not unmarshal secret error="backend/credentials: malformed secret: malformed credentials" pkg=credentials

Account ************ was added successfully.

Run command "info"

All info comes back correctly

Run command "Exit" to exit bridge.

docker run -d --name=protonmail-bridge -v /mnt/user/appdata/protonmail-bridge:/root -p 1025:25/tcp -p 1143:143/tcp --restart=unless-stopped shenxn/protonmail-bridge

�[31mERRO�[0m[Aug 4 02:32:01.327] cannot upgrade connection: remote error: tls: bad certificate �[31mprotocol�[0m=IMAP

�[31mERRO�[0m[Aug 4 02:34:21.785] cannot upgrade connection: remote error: tls: bad certificate �[31mprotocol�[0m=IMAP

Login to mail provider and email inbound/outbound work as expected.

I am having a similar issue. I thought mounting a folder with the wrong ownership or rights might be the problem, but I encounter it also when using a volume. I thought of ignoring it, but when testing it with thunderbird, it throws me a cryptic error. So I guess I need to resolve the issue with the protonbridge first.

Seems like the error does not influence the usage of the bridge. I didn't know that thunderbird needs a subdomain and doesn't want just the main domain.