
Demo needs an update

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The demo on the website still feature an old version which is no longer available on the server.

@elnath78 what do you mean?


<link rel="stylesheet" href="shepherd.js/dist/css/shepherd.css"/>
<script src="shepherd.js/dist/js/shepherd.min.js"></script>

Also the documentation in different

@elnath78 I still don't understand. You need to include the stylesheet and JavaScript for Shepherd to use it. That is what this is saying.

@RobbieTheWagner the files in the demo does't exists, take for example shepherd.js/dist/css/shepherd.css or shepherd.js/dist/js/shepherd.min.js both are no longer on the server cause there are updated ones now.


@elnath78 it's just an example saying to include the two files. You are not meant to use the files hosted on our demo page.

@RobbieTheWagner I got this, but the demo looks like a quick-start guide, why not just put operative up-to-date files instead?

@elnath78 because everyone's project is different.