
are the hashes generated reproducible ?

coderedart opened this issue · 2 comments

I was just wondering if i could use this for file/data checksums. kinda like md5, but faster. I tried to different md5 crates and got the same hash. but otoh, i tried twox-hash and xxhash-rust crates, but i get different hashes with both. I know it will probably be good as long as i use only this crate, but i just wanted to check if this is the correct behavior or a bug.

like what happens if someone wants to interact with the hashes/files that i made in rust from other languages like js/c++, will the hashes match ?

EDIT: I"m talking about xxh3 btw.

My bad. i read xxh3 was stabilised in the original C repo. this crate's docs clearly state that it is still in development, so i got a little confused. so, once the work is completed in this repo, for any data, this crate will give the same hash as the c/cpp reference implementation, right?

use this for file/data checksums


once the work is completed in this repo, for any data, this crate will give the same hash as the c/cpp reference implementation

yes. There should be tests added, similar to the existing ones.