
csanuragjain - Missing zero approval

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Missing zero approval


Few tokens require the approval limit to be 0 before setting a new approval limit like USDT. If trade.sellToken is one of such tokens then the approval will fail causing the trade to fail

Vulnerability Detail

  1. Trade is executed using _executeInternal function
function _executeInternal(
        Trade memory trade,
        uint16 dexId,
        address spender,
        address target,
        uint256 msgValue,
        bytes memory executionData
    ) internal returns (uint256 amountSold, uint256 amountBought) {
if (spender != Deployments.ETH_ADDRESS && DexId(dexId) != DexId.NOTIONAL_VAULT) {
            _approve(trade, spender);
  1. Now _approve function is called
function _approve(Trade memory trade, address spender) private {
        uint256 allowance = _isExactIn(trade) ? trade.amount : trade.limit;
        IERC20(trade.sellToken).checkApprove(spender, allowance);
  1. Now checkApprove function simply sets the approval of spender to "allowance"
  2. As we can see this is missing 0 approval limit before setting the allowance to passed "allowance"


Trade will fail due to missing zero approval.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Approve 0 amount before setting the actual approval limit

function _approve(Trade memory trade, address spender) private {
        uint256 allowance = _isExactIn(trade) ? trade.amount : trade.limit;
IERC20(trade.sellToken).checkApprove(spender, 0);
        IERC20(trade.sellToken).checkApprove(spender, allowance);

Duplicate of #59