
ctf_sec - Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT.swap uint256 amonutsOut return value not handled in BalancerUtils.sol

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Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT.swap uint256 amonutsOut return value not handled in BalancerUtils.sol


Maturity validation check is missing in VaultAccount.sol if fCashToBorrow is larger than 0

Vulnerability Detail

currently, in BalanerUtils.sol the _swapGiveIn just use the before and after token balance to check the token received.

        amountOut = IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(address(this));
            singleSwap: IBalancerVault.SingleSwap({
                poolId: poolId,
                kind: IBalancerVault.SwapKind.GIVEN_IN,
                assetIn: IAsset(tokenIn),
                assetOut: IAsset(tokenOut),
                amount: amountIn,
                userData: new bytes(0)
            funds: IBalancerVault.FundManagement({
                sender: address(this),
                fromInternalBalance: false,
                recipient: payable(address(this)),
                toInternalBalance: false
            limit: limit,
            deadline: block.timestamp
        amountOut = IERC20(tokenOut).balanceOf(address(this)) - amountOut;

however, the function Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT.swap returns amountsOut, the function does not properly handle the return value

According to the code of the balancer Pool Vault Implementation.

   returns (uint256 amountCalculated)

the amountCalculated can be used with the before and after balance together to verify the token amount received is valid


Without handling the return value of the function swap, it is possible that we receive less than expected amount of token.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


We recommend the project handle the return value from the swap and use the returned amountsOut with the before and after balance to validate the transactions.

For example, if the amoutnsOut is 100, the difference between the before and after balance is 50, we know something is wrong and transaction should be reverted.