
IllIllI - Sense PTs can never be redeemed

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Sense PTs can never be redeemed


Sense PTs can never be redeemed

Vulnerability Detail

Most of the protocols that require the user of the Converter contract have code that approves the Converter for that protocol, but there is no such approval for Sense.


Permanent freezing of funds

Users will be able to lend and mint using Sense, but when it's time for Illuminate to redeem the Sense PTs, the call will always revert, meaning the associated underlying will be locked in the contract, and users that try to redeem their Illuminate PTs will have lost principal.

While the Illuminate project does have an emergency withdraw() function that would allow an admin to rescue the funds and manually distribute them, this would not be trustless and defeats the purpose of having a smart contract.

Code Snippet

The Sense flavor of redeem() requires the use of the Converter:

// File: src/Redeemer.sol : Redeemer.redeem()   #1

366            // Get the starting balance to verify the amount received afterwards
367            uint256 starting = IERC20(u).balanceOf(address(this));
369            // Get the divider from the adapter
370            ISenseDivider divider = ISenseDivider(ISenseAdapter(a).divider());
372            // Redeem the tokens from the Sense contract
373            ISenseDivider(divider).redeem(a, s, amount);
375            // Get the compounding token that is redeemed by Sense
376            address compounding = ISenseAdapter(a).target();
378            // Redeem the compounding token back to the underlying
379 @>         IConverter(converter).convert(
380                compounding,
381                u,
382                IERC20(compounding).balanceOf(address(this))
383            );
385            // Get the amount received
386:           uint256 redeemed = IERC20(u).balanceOf(address(this)) - starting;

But there is no code that approves the Converter to be able to withdraw from the Redeemer. The only function available is required to have been called by the MarketPlace, and is thus not callable by the admin:

// File: src/Redeemer.sol : Redeemer.approve()   #2

203        function approve(address i) external authorized(marketPlace) {
204            if (i != address(0)) {
205 @>             Safe.approve(IERC20(i), address(converter), type(uint256).max);
206            }
207:       }

Redemptions of Illuminate PTs for underlyings is based on shares of each Illuminate PT's totalSupply() of the available underlying, not the expect underlying total:

There is a fork test that tests the converter functionalty, but is uses vm.startPrank() to hack the approval, which wouldn't be available in real life.

Also note that if the admin ever deploys and sets a new converter, that all other redemptions using the converter will break

Tool used

Manual Review


Add the sense yield token to the Redeemer's Converter approval during market creation/setting of principal