
berndartmueller - The maximum size of an `ICHI` vault spell position can be arbitrarily surpassed

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The maximum size of an ICHI vault spell position can be arbitrarily surpassed


The maximum size of an ICHI vault spell position can be arbitrarily surpassed by subsequent deposits to a position due to a flaw in the curPosSize calculation.

Vulnerability Detail

Ichi vault spell positions are subject to a maximum size limit to prevent large positions, ensuring a wide margin for liquidators and bad debt prevention for the protocol.

The maximum position size is enforced in the IchiVaultSpell.depositInternal function and compared to the current position size curPosSize.

However, the curPosSize does not reflect the actual position size, but the amount of Ichi vault LP tokens that are currently held in the IchiVaultSpell contract (see L153).

Assets can be repeatedly deposited into an Ichi vault spell position using the IchiVaultSpell.openPosition function (via the BlueBerryBank.execute function).

On the very first deposit, the curPosSize correctly reflects the position size. However, on subsequent deposits, the previously received Ichi vault LP tokens are kept in the BlueBerryBank contract. Thus, checking the balance of vault tokens in the IchiVaultSpell contract only accounts for the current deposit.

Test case

To demonstrate this issue, please use the following test case:

diff --git a/test/spell/ichivault.spell.test.ts b/test/spell/ichivault.spell.test.ts
index 258d653..551a6eb 100644
--- a/test/spell/ichivault.spell.test.ts
+++ b/test/spell/ichivault.spell.test.ts
@@ -163,6 +163,26 @@ describe('ICHI Angel Vaults Spell', () => {
+               it("should revert when exceeds max pos size due to increasing position", async () => {
+                       await ichi.approve(bank.address, ethers.constants.MaxUint256);
+                       await bank.execute(
+                               0,
+                               spell.address,
+                               iface.encodeFunctionData("openPosition", [
+                                       0, ICHI, USDC, depositAmount.mul(4), borrowAmount.mul(6) // Borrow 1.800e6 USDC
+                               ])
+                       );
+                       await expect(
+                               bank.execute(
+                                       0,
+                                       spell.address,
+                                       iface.encodeFunctionData("openPosition", [
+                                               0, ICHI, USDC, depositAmount.mul(1), borrowAmount.mul(2) // Borrow 300e6 USDC
+                                       ])
+                               )
+                       )"EXCEED_MAX_POS_SIZE"); // 1_800e6 + 300e6 = 2_100e6 > 2_000e6 strategy max position size limit
+               })
                it("should be able to return position risk ratio", async () => {
                        let risk = await bank.getPositionRisk(1);
                        console.log('Prev Position Risk', utils.formatUnits(risk, 2), '%');

Run the test with the following command:

yarn hardhat test --grep "should revert when exceeds max pos size due to increasing position"

The test case fails and therefore shows that the maximum position size can be exceeded without reverting.


The maximum position size limit can be exceeded, leading to potential issues with liquidations and bad debt accumulation.

Code Snippet


122: function depositInternal(
123:     uint256 strategyId,
124:     address collToken,
125:     address borrowToken,
126:     uint256 collAmount,
127:     uint256 borrowAmount
128: ) internal {
...      // [...]
148:     // 4. Validate MAX LTV
149:     _validateMaxLTV(strategyId);
151:     // 5. Validate Max Pos Size
152:     uint256 lpPrice =;
153:     uint256 curPosSize = (lpPrice * vault.balanceOf(address(this))) /
154:         10**IICHIVault(strategy.vault).decimals();
155:     if (curPosSize > strategy.maxPositionSize)
156:         revert EXCEED_MAX_POS_SIZE(strategyId);
157: }

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider determining the current position size using the bank.getPositionValue() function instead of using the current Ichi vault LP token balance.