
simon135 - If a user makes a tx from their wallet they can get frontrunned and lose their funds

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If a user makes a tx from their wallet they can get frontrunned and lose their funds


If a user makes a tx from their wallet they can get frontrunned and lose their funds

Vulnerability Detail

When a user requests, they have to give funds first and then the user calls createDeposit function (just using a deposit as an ex:) which shows the difference in the balance of the bank and records the change. An attacker can front-run the users' request, make their own request, and take the funds.
bob sends 1 weth to the deposit vault (1 tx)
bob makes a request (2tx)
Alice after the 1 tx front runs the (2 tx) and steals the funds


an attacker can front-run and make requests with stolen funds

Code Snippet

        uint256 initialLongTokenAmount = depositVault.recordTransferIn(params.initialLongToken);
        uint256 initialShortTokenAmount = depositVault.recordTransferIn(params.initialShortToken);

Tool used
Manual Review


have sending funds and creating orders and deposits into 1 tx but this issue is only for smart contract users (probably ui will solve this issue)