
xiaoming90 - Vaults can avoid liquidations by not letting their vault account be settled

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Vaults can avoid liquidations by not letting their vault account be settled


Vault liquidations will leave un-matured accounts with cash holdings which are then used to offset account debt during vault account settlements. As it stands, any excess cash received via interest accrual will be transferred back to the vault account directly. If a primary or secondary borrow currency is ETH, then this excess cash will be transferred natively. Consequently, the recipient may intentionally revert, causing account settlement to fail.

Vulnerability Detail

The issue arises in the VaultAccount.repayAccountPrimeDebtAtSettlement() function. If there is any excess cash due to interest accrual, then this amount will be refunded to the vault account. Native ETH is not wrapped when it should be wrapped, allowing the recipient to take control over the flow of execution.

File: VaultAccount.sol
548:     function repayAccountPrimeDebtAtSettlement(
549:         PrimeRate memory pr,
550:         VaultStateStorage storage primeVaultState,
551:         uint16 currencyId,
552:         address vault,
553:         address account,
554:         int256 accountPrimeCash,
555:         int256 accountPrimeStorageValue
556:     ) internal returns (int256 finalPrimeDebtStorageValue, bool didTransfer) {
557:         didTransfer = false;
558:         finalPrimeDebtStorageValue = accountPrimeStorageValue;
560:         if (accountPrimeCash > 0) {
561:             // netPrimeDebtRepaid is a negative number
562:             int256 netPrimeDebtRepaid = pr.convertUnderlyingToDebtStorage(
563:                 pr.convertToUnderlying(accountPrimeCash).neg()
564:             );
566:             int256 netPrimeDebtChange;
567:             if (netPrimeDebtRepaid < accountPrimeStorageValue) {
568:                 // If the net debt change is greater than the debt held by the account, then only
569:                 // decrease the total prime debt by what is held by the account. The residual amount
570:                 // will be refunded to the account via a direct transfer.
571:                 netPrimeDebtChange = accountPrimeStorageValue;
572:                 finalPrimeDebtStorageValue = 0;
574:                 int256 primeCashRefund = pr.convertFromUnderlying(
575:                     pr.convertDebtStorageToUnderlying(netPrimeDebtChange.sub(accountPrimeStorageValue))
576:                 );
577:                 TokenHandler.withdrawPrimeCash(
578:                     account, currencyId, primeCashRefund, pr, false // ETH will be transferred natively
579:                 );
580:                 didTransfer = true;
581:             } else {
582:                 // In this case, part of the account's debt is repaid.
583:                 netPrimeDebtChange = netPrimeDebtRepaid;
584:                 finalPrimeDebtStorageValue = accountPrimeStorageValue.sub(netPrimeDebtRepaid);
585:             }
587:             // Updates the global prime debt figure and events are emitted via the vault.
588:             pr.updateTotalPrimeDebt(vault, currencyId, netPrimeDebtChange);
590:             // Updates the state on the prime vault storage directly.
591:             int256 totalPrimeDebt = int256(uint256(primeVaultState.totalDebt));
592:             int256 newTotalDebt = totalPrimeDebt.add(netPrimeDebtChange);
593:             // Set the total debt to the storage value
594:             primeVaultState.totalDebt = newTotalDebt.toUint().toUint80();
595:         }
596:     }

As seen here, a withdrawWrappedNativeToken is used to signify when a native ETH transfer will be wrapped before sending an amount. In the case of vault settlement, this is always sent to false.

File: TokenHandler.sol
220:     function withdrawPrimeCash(
221:         address account,
222:         uint16 currencyId,
223:         int256 primeCashToWithdraw,
224:         PrimeRate memory primeRate,
225:         bool withdrawWrappedNativeToken
226:     ) internal returns (int256 netTransferExternal) {
227:         if (primeCashToWithdraw == 0) return 0;
228:         require(primeCashToWithdraw < 0);
230:         Token memory underlying = getUnderlyingToken(currencyId);
231:         netTransferExternal = convertToExternal(
232:             underlying, 
233:             primeRate.convertToUnderlying(primeCashToWithdraw) 
234:         );
236:         // Overflow not possible due to int256
237:         uint256 withdrawAmount = uint256(netTransferExternal.neg());
238:         _redeemMoneyMarketIfRequired(currencyId, underlying, withdrawAmount);
240:         if (underlying.tokenType == TokenType.Ether) {
241:             GenericToken.transferNativeTokenOut(account, withdrawAmount, withdrawWrappedNativeToken);
242:         } else {
243:             GenericToken.safeTransferOut(underlying.tokenAddress, account, withdrawAmount);
244:         }
246:         _postTransferPrimeCashUpdate(account, currencyId, netTransferExternal, underlying, primeRate);
247:     }

It's likely that the vault account is considered solvent in this case, but due to the inability to trade between currencies, it is not possible to use excess cash in one currency to offset debt in another.


Liquidations require vaults to be settled if block.timestamp is past the maturity date, hence, it is not possible to deleverage vault accounts, leading to bad debt accrual.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider wrapping ETH under all circumstances. This will prevent vault accounts from intentionally reverting and preventing their account from being settled.

Valid Issue, in our fixes we remove transfers from Settle Vault Account.

@0xleastwood + @xiaoming9090: PR 135 attempted to fix the issue by removing the transfer of excess assets from the settlement. It will store the excess assets to be refunded in s.primaryCash so that it can be read to vaultAccount.tempCashBalance later when exiting the vault (VaultAccountAction.exitVault). The transfer of excess assets will be performed during the exit vault.

However, in an edge case where a liquidator deleverages another account and happens to have primary cash in their vault account, their s.primaryCash (excess cash) will be wiped.

Following is the function call flow for reference:
deleverageAccount -> _transferVaultSharesToLiquidator -> liquidator.setVaultAccount -> Effect: liquidator's s.primaryCash = 0

@0xleastwood + @xiaoming9090: Verified fix as per comments in #207. Fixed in notional-finance/contracts-v2#135