
cducrest-brainbot - SetLimit does not take into account burned OHM

Opened this issue · 3 comments



SetLimit does not take into account burned OHM


The function setLimit() may not be able to sufficiently restrict mint ability of manager.

Vulnerability Detail

The setLimit() function reverts when newLimit_ < deployedOhm, mintOhmToVault will revert if deployedOhm + amount_ > ohmLimit + circulatingOhmBurned. If the value of circulatingOhmBurned is high, and the admin can only set the limit above deployedOhm, they could end up in a state where they cannot limit the amount the vault is allowed to burn sufficiently. I.e. the vault is always able to mint at least circulatingOhmBurned new tokens.

Note that circulatingOhmBurned is never lowered (even when minting new tokens), so this value could grow arbitrarily high.


Lack of control of admin on mint ability of manager.

Code Snippet

SetLimit function:

Tool used

Manual Review


Use similar restrictions as in mintOhmToVault() for setLimit or lower circulatingOhmBurned when minting new OHM.

Same issue as #18

Fix looks good. setLimit now properly accounts for circulatingOhmBurned