
0x52 - CollateralManager#commitCollateral overwrites collateralInfo._amount if called with an existing collateral

Opened this issue · 10 comments



CollateralManager#commitCollateral overwrites collateralInfo._amount if called with an existing collateral


When duplicate collateral is committed, the collateral amount is overwritten with the new value. This allows borrowers to front-run bid acceptance to change their collateral and steal from lenders.

Vulnerability Detail


function _commitCollateral(
    uint256 _bidId,
    Collateral memory _collateralInfo
) internal virtual {
    CollateralInfo storage collateral = _bidCollaterals[_bidId];
    ] = _collateralInfo; <- @audit-issue collateral info overwritten
    emit CollateralCommitted(

When a duplicate collateral is committed it overwrites the collateralInfo for that token, which is used to determine how much collateral to escrow from the borrower.


function lenderAcceptBid(uint256 _bidId)
    pendingBid(_bidId, "lenderAcceptBid")
    returns (
        uint256 amountToProtocol,
        uint256 amountToMarketplace,
        uint256 amountToBorrower
    // Retrieve bid
    Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];

    address sender = _msgSenderForMarket(bid.marketplaceId);

TellerV2#lenderAcceptBid only allows the lender input the bidId of the bid they wish to accept, not allowing them to specify the expected collateral. This allows lenders to be honeypot and front-run causing massive loss of funds:

  1. Malicious user creates and commits a bid to take a loan of 10e18 ETH against 100,000e6 USDC with 15% APR
  2. Lender sees this and calls TellerV2#lenderAcceptBid
  3. Malicious user front-runs transaction with commitCollateral call setting USDC to 1
  4. Bid is filled sending malicious user 10e18 ETH and escrowing 1 USDC
  5. Attacker doesn't repay loan and has stolen 10e18 ETH for the price of 1 USDC


Bid acceptance can be front-run to cause massive losses to lenders

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Allow lender to specify collateral info and check that it matches the committed addresses and amounts

The lenderAcceptBid function will revert if it tries to deposit duplicated collateral because the CollateralEscrowV1.depositAsset function has a requirement to avoid asset overwriting ( Therefore, if the borrower front-runs and changes the collateral amount, the lenderAcceptBid function will revert, causing the lender to lose gas only.

as trumpero says, this issue has been known and so we put in reversions to prevent this from happening. However we do want to eventually fix this in a better way so that you will be able to use two of the same ERC721 as collateral for one loan at some point. Ex. using two bored apes as collateral for one loan. This is not possible due to our patch for this.

Escalate for 10 USDC

The validness and the High severity of this issue is proved with a coded POC in #250.

The lenderAcceptBid function will revert if it tries to deposit duplicated collateral because the CollateralEscrowV1.depositAsset function has a requirement to avoid asset overwriting ( Therefore, if the borrower front-runs and changes the collateral amount, the lenderAcceptBid function will revert, causing the lender to lose gas only.

The comment addresses the deposit action, but the attack is actually performed before that, during commitCollateral. Commited collateral can actually be updated, which is the root cause of this issue.

  1. A malicious borrower submits a bid (collateral is commited but not deposited).
  2. A victim lender decides to accept the bid and sends the tx to the mempool.
  3. The malicious borrower sees the tx in the mempool and frontruns it by updating the commited collateral to a minimum.
  4. The accept bid tx from the victim lender succeeds and the borrower collateral is finally deposited (but just a minimum).

Take note that funds are deposited once via deployAndDeposit, which is called during the lenderAcceptBid function.

The impact is High because assets are lent with a minimum collateral provided (of as low as 1 wei). This can be consider stealing users funds.

A coded proof is provided in #250 , which I also suggest to be used for the final report, as it demonstrates the issue with a POC and provides coded recommendations to mitigate the issue.

Escalate for 10 USDC

The validness and the High severity of this issue is proved with a coded POC in #250.

The lenderAcceptBid function will revert if it tries to deposit duplicated collateral because the CollateralEscrowV1.depositAsset function has a requirement to avoid asset overwriting ( Therefore, if the borrower front-runs and changes the collateral amount, the lenderAcceptBid function will revert, causing the lender to lose gas only.

The comment addresses the deposit action, but the attack is actually performed before that, during commitCollateral. Commited collateral can actually be updated, which is the root cause of this issue.

  1. A malicious borrower submits a bid (collateral is commited but not deposited).
  2. A victim lender decides to accept the bid and sends the tx to the mempool.
  3. The malicious borrower sees the tx in the mempool and frontruns it by updating the commited collateral to a minimum.
  4. The accept bid tx from the victim lender succeeds and the borrower collateral is finally deposited (but just a minimum).

Take note that funds are deposited once via deployAndDeposit, which is called during the lenderAcceptBid function.

The impact is High because assets are lent with a minimum collateral provided (of as low as 1 wei). This can be consider stealing users funds.

A coded proof is provided in #250 , which I also suggest to be used for the final report, as it demonstrates the issue with a POC and provides coded recommendations to mitigate the issue.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

The CollateralManager will never attempt to deposit duplicate collateral, the code for committing collateral is the following:

    function _commitCollateral(
        uint256 _bidId,
        Collateral memory _collateralInfo
    ) internal virtual {
        CollateralInfo storage collateral = _bidCollaterals[_bidId];
        ] = _collateralInfo;

The set collateral.collateralAddresses will not contain the address of the collateral twice since OZ's EnumerableSetUpgradeable does not add an element to a set if it is already present (it's a set, not a list). The previous value for collateral.collateralInfo[_collateralInfo._collateralAddress] will be replaced with no additional side-effect.

Hence the check for duplicate collateral in CollateralEscrowV1 is never triggered:

    function depositAsset(
        CollateralType _collateralType,
        address _collateralAddress,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _tokenId
    ) external payable virtual onlyOwner {
        require(_amount > 0, "Deposit amount cannot be zero");
        Collateral storage collateral = collateralBalances[_collateralAddress];

        //Avoids asset overwriting.  Can get rid of this restriction by restructuring collateral balances storage so it isnt a mapping based on address.
            collateral._amount == 0,  // @audit this check is never triggered
            "Unable to deposit multiple collateral asset instances of the same contract address."

        collateral._collateralType = _collateralType;
        collateral._amount = _amount;
        collateral._tokenId = _tokenId;
        emit CollateralDeposited(_collateralAddress, _amount);

See OZ's docs

Your comment about '@Audit this check is never triggered' is disproven by this test which had already been in the repo.

function test_depositAsset_ERC721_double_collateral_overwrite_prevention()
    CollateralEscrowV1_Override escrow = CollateralEscrowV1_Override(

    uint256 tokenIdA =;
    uint256 tokenIdB =;

    borrower.approveERC721(address(erc721Mock), tokenIdA);
    borrower.approveERC721(address(erc721Mock), tokenIdB);


    uint256 storedBalance = borrower.getBalance(address(erc721Mock));

    assertEq(storedBalance, 1, "Escrow deposit unsuccessful");

        "Unable to deposit multiple collateral asset instances of the same contract address."

Escalation accepted

Valid high
After further review and discussions, this is a valid high issue and the POC in #250 proves the same.

Escalation accepted

Valid high
After further review and discussions, this is a valid high issue and the POC in #250 proves the same.

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.

PR: #101

Fix looks good. Commit will revert if collateral is already present