immeas - bids can be created against markets that doesn't exist
sherlock-admin opened this issue · 10 comments
bids can be created against markets that doesn't exist
Bids can be created against markets that does not yet exist. When this market is created, the bid can be accepted but neither defaulted/liquidated nor repaid.
Vulnerability Detail
There's no verification that the market actually exists when submitting a bid. Hence a user could submit a bid for a non existing market.
For it to not revert it must have 0% APY and the bid cannot be accepted until a market exists.
However, when this market is created the bid can be accepted. Then the loan would be impossible to default/liquidate:
File: TellerV2.sol
963: if (bidDefaultDuration[_bidId] == 0) return false;
Since bidDefaultDuration[_bidId]
will be 0
Any attempt to repay will revert due to division by 0:
File: libraries/V2Calculations.sol
116: uint256 owedAmount = (maxCycleOwed * owedTime) /
117: _bid.terms.paymentCycle;
Since _bid.terms.paymentCycle
will also be 0
(and it will always end up in this branch since PaymentType
will be EMI (0)
Hence the loan can never be closed.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import { UpgradeableBeacon } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/beacon/UpgradeableBeacon.sol";
import { TellerV2 } from "../contracts/TellerV2.sol";
import { CollateralManager } from "../contracts/CollateralManager.sol";
import { LenderCommitmentForwarder } from "../contracts/LenderCommitmentForwarder.sol";
import { CollateralEscrowV1 } from "../contracts/escrow/CollateralEscrowV1.sol";
import { MarketRegistry } from "../contracts/MarketRegistry.sol";
import { ReputationManagerMock } from "../contracts/mock/ReputationManagerMock.sol";
import { LenderManagerMock } from "../contracts/mock/LenderManagerMock.sol";
import { TellerASMock } from "../contracts/mock/TellerASMock.sol";
import {TestERC20Token} from "./tokens/TestERC20Token.sol";
import "lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol";
import "lib/forge-std/src/StdAssertions.sol";
contract LoansTest is Test {
MarketRegistry marketRegistry;
TellerV2 tellerV2;
TestERC20Token principalToken;
address alice = address(0x1111);
address bob = address(0x2222);
address owner = address(0x3333);
function setUp() public {
tellerV2 = new TellerV2(address(0));
marketRegistry = new MarketRegistry();
TellerASMock tellerAs = new TellerASMock();
LenderCommitmentForwarder lenderCommitmentForwarder =
new LenderCommitmentForwarder(address(tellerV2),address(marketRegistry));
CollateralManager collateralManager = new CollateralManager();
collateralManager.initialize(address(new UpgradeableBeacon(address(new CollateralEscrowV1()))),
address rm = address(new ReputationManagerMock());
address lm = address(new LenderManagerMock());
tellerV2.initialize(0, address(marketRegistry), rm, address(lenderCommitmentForwarder),
address(collateralManager), lm);
principalToken = new TestERC20Token("Principal Token", "PRIN", 12e18, 18);
function testSubmitBidForNonExistingMarket() public {
uint256 amount = 12e18;
// alice places bid on non-existing market
uint256 bidId = tellerV2.submitBid(
1, // non-existing right now
360 days,
0, // any APY != 0 will cause revert on div by 0
// bid cannot be accepted before market
vm.expectRevert(); // div by 0
uint256 marketId = marketRegistry.createMarket(
30 days,
30 days,
1 days,
marketRegistry.setMarketFeeRecipient(marketId, owner);
// lender takes bid
// should be liquidatable now
vm.warp(32 days);
// loan cannot be defaulted/liquidated
// and loan cannot be repaid
vm.expectRevert(); // division by 0
This will lock any collateral forever since there's no way to retrieve it. For this to happen accidentally a borrower would have to create a bid for a non existing market with 0% APY though.
This could also be used to lure lenders since the loan cannot be liquidated/defaulted. This might be difficult since the APY must be 0% for the bid to be created. Also, this will lock any collateral provided by the borrower forever.
Due to these circumstances I'm categorizing this as medium.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
When submitting a bid, verify that the market exists.
A user creating a bid for a market that does not yet exist yet COULD exist in the future is potentially a concern. For example an attacker could see that there are bids open for market 88, create markets until market 88 exists , and then fulfill those loans with whatever rules they want. Our user interface on the front end will prevent bids from being created with an invalid market ID so in reality this should not be an issue but in solidity strictly yes this is a valid issue. Thank you.
We should make a function name isMarketOpen that verifies that 1) the marketId is less than the number of markets and 2) the market is not closed and we should use that in submitBid instead of !isMarketClosed
Escalate for 10 USDC
The issue requires the borrower to intentionally send his assets to a non-existing market. This would be the same as mistakenly sending the assets to a wrong address. Issues requiring the user to use wrong input have historically been invalidated/ considered QA.
Furthermore, it also requires the said market to have 0% APY which is unrealistic, as there is no incentive for such markets to exist.
Escalate for 10 USDC
The issue requires the borrower to intentionally send his assets to a non-existing market. This would be the same as mistakenly sending the assets to a wrong address. Issues requiring the user to use wrong input have historically been invalidated/ considered QA.
Furthermore, it also requires the said market to have 0% APY which is unrealistic, as there is no incentive for such markets to exist.
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Escalate for 10 USDC
This is valid issue.
This scenario not only applied with borrower accidentally create to a non-existing market.
Consider this scenario, malicious borrower listen to marketRegistry's
market creation.
The marketId
can easily be seen in mempool or can be predicted since it only increment of the previous marketId
The attacker then front run the market creation and create malicious borrow offer trough TellerV2 's submitBid()
and provide the soon to be created marketId
0% APY is part of malicious borrower input so it is realistic.
This is valid issue, caused by the relatively easy and likely setup, and also caused the following impact :
Malicious borrower can create borrow offer in trusted and exclusive marketplace before it is created, make clueless lender that thought the marketplace is legit take the bid.
And the more harmful impact is the borrow offer can't be liquidated nor defaulted since
will be 0 and checking if bid can be liquidated or defaulted always return false.
Escalate for 10 USDC
This is valid issue.
This scenario not only applied with borrower accidentally create to a non-existing market.
Consider this scenario, malicious borrower listen to
market creation.
can easily be seen in mempool or can be predicted since it only increment of the previousmarketId
.The attacker then front run the market creation and create malicious borrow offer trough TellerV2 's
and provide the soon to be createdmarketId
.0% APY is part of malicious borrower input so it is realistic.
This is valid issue, caused by the relatively easy and likely setup, and also caused the following impact :
Malicious borrower can create borrow offer in trusted and exclusive marketplace before it is created, make clueless lender that thought the marketplace is legit take the bid.
And the more harmful impact is the borrow offer can't be liquidated nor defaulted since
will be 0 and checking if bid can be liquidated or defaulted always return false.
You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!
To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.
You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.
Github PR: Issue 323 - add check for is market open
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
Accepting the second escalaiton
Based on the above comments, This is a valid issue confirmed by the sponsor and the attack path in the 2nd escalation is possible and confirmed by the Sponsor too.
Escalation accepted
Valid medium
Accepting the second escalaiton
Based on the above comments, This is a valid issue confirmed by the sponsor and the attack path in the 2nd escalation is possible and confirmed by the Sponsor too.
This issue's escalations have been accepted!
Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.
Fix looks good. Creates and utilizes a new check called "isMarketOpen" which requires that specified market exists