
0x52 - ShortLongSpell#_withdraw checks slippage limit but never applies it making it useless

Opened this issue · 7 comments



ShortLongSpell#_withdraw checks slippage limit but never applies it making it useless


Slippage limits protect the protocol in the event that a malicious user wants to extract value via swaps, this is an important protection in the event that a user finds a way to trick collateral requirements. Currently the sell slippage is checked but never applied so it is useless.

Vulnerability Detail

See summary.


Slippage limit protections are ineffective for ShortLongSpell

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


Apply sell slippage after it is checked

Escalate for 10 USDC
This is not a valid M/H. The toAmont and expectedAmount in the off-chain parameter MegaSwapSellData structure are the real slippage protection parameters. Just like ExactInputParams/ExactOutputParams of uniswapV3 pool.

Escalate for 10 USDC
This is not a valid M/H. The toAmont and expectedAmount in the off-chain parameter MegaSwapSellData structure are the real slippage protection parameters. Just like ExactInputParams/ExactOutputParams of uniswapV3 pool.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

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I still think this is a valid issue

sellSlippage checked but not applied

   function _withdraw(
        ClosePosParam calldata param,
        Utils.MegaSwapSellData calldata swapData
    ) internal {
        if (param.sellSlippage > bank.config().maxSlippageOfClose())
            revert Errors.RATIO_TOO_HIGH(param.sellSlippage);

it is true that the slippage is checked but not applied

The toAmont and expectedAmount in the off-chain parameter MegaSwapSellData structure are the real slippage protection parameters. Just like ExactInputParams/ExactOutputParams of uniswapV3 pool.

this is true, but the code should still check the slippage based on the received amount instead of off-chain parameter

Escalation rejected

Valid high
Agree with the Lead judge comment.
Slippage must be checked on code whenever possible instead of an off-chain parameter.

Escalation rejected

Valid high
Agree with the Lead judge comment.
Slippage must be checked on code whenever possible instead of an off-chain parameter.

This issue's escalations have been rejected!

Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.

Seems like slippage validation has been removed completely. This is an appropriate solution as long as intentional removed. Waiting for clarification.