
BugBusters - Interested calculated is ampliefied by multiple of 1000 in `_debt_interest_since_last_update`

Opened this issue · 10 comments



Interested calculated is ampliefied by multiple of 1000 in _debt_interest_since_last_update


Interest calculated in the _debt_interest_since_last_update function is amplified by multiple of 1000, hence can completely brick the system and debt calculation. Because we divide by PERCENTAGE_BASE instead of PERCENTAGE_BASE_HIGH which has more precision and which is used in utilization calculation.

Vulnerability Detail

Following function calculated the interest accured over a certain interval :

def _debt_interest_since_last_update(_debt_token: address) -> uint256:

    return (

        (block.timestamp - self.last_debt_update[_debt_token])* self._current_interest_per_second(_debt_token)
        * self.total_debt_amount[_debt_token]
        / PRECISION

But the results from the above function are amplified by factor of 1000 due to the reason that the intrest per second as per test file is calculated as following:

    # accordingly the current interest per year should be 3% so 3_00_000
    # per second that is (300000*10^18)/(365*24*60*60)
    expected_interest_per_second = 9512937595129375

    assert (
        == vault_configured.internal._current_interest_per_second(usdc.address)

So yearly interest has the precision of 5 as it is calculated using utilization rate and PERCENTAGE_BASE_HIGH_PRECISION is used which has precision of 5 .and per second has the precision of 18, so final value has the precision of 23.

Interest per second has precision = 23.

But if we look at the code:

        (block.timestamp - self.last_debt_update[_debt_token])* self._current_interest_per_second(_debt_token)
        * self.total_debt_amount[_debt_token]
        / PRECISION

We divide by PERCENTAGE_BASE that is = 100_00 = precision of => 2
And than by PRECISION = 1e18 => precision of 18. So accumulated precision of 20, where as we should have divided by value precises to 23 to match the nominator.

Where is we should have divided by PERCENTAGE_BASE_HIGH instead of PERCENTAGE_BASE

Hence the results are amplified by enormous multiple of thousand.


Interest are too much amplified, that impacts the total debt calculation and brick whole leverage, liquidation and share mechanism.

Note: Dev confirmed that the values being used in the tests are the values that will be used in production.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review



Escalate for 10 USDC

This should be high as described impact in the given submission and the duplicate too.

Escalate for 10 USDC

This should be high as described impact in the given submission and the duplicate too.

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twicek commented

Escalate for 10 USDC
The wrong calculation of interest rates will cause a direct loss of funds to users. This should definitely be high severity.

Escalate for 10 USDC
The wrong calculation of interest rates will cause a direct loss of funds to users. This should definitely be high severity.

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141345 commented

change the original judging, to high severity.

Escalate for 10 USDC

This should be high as described impact in the given submission and the duplicate too.

A magnitude of 1000 times of interest can be deemed as "material loss of funds".

141345 commented

Escalate for 10 USDC The wrong calculation of interest rates will cause a direct loss of funds to users. This should definitely be high severity.

Same as above

Has duplicates
Considering this a valid high

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

Fixed by calling PERCENTAGE_BASE_HIGH instead of PERCENTAGE_BASE for the interest calculation