
Timenov - Lender may not be able to close loan or get back lending token.

Opened this issue · 3 comments



Lender may not be able to close loan or get back lending token.


The TellerV2 smart contract offers lenders to claim a NFT by calling claimLoanNFT. This will set the bid.lender to the constant variable USING_LENDER_MANAGER. This is done to ensure that the lender will only be able to claim 1 NFT per bid. Because of that getLoanLender function is added to check who the real owner of the NFT is(the real lender). However that whole logic introduces problems that can cause lender to not be able to close a loan or get his lending tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

Lets split the issues and look at them separately:

Not being able to close a loan

A lender can close a loan as long as the bid is accepted. This can be done by calling lenderCloseLoan or lenderCloseLoan.

    function lenderCloseLoan(uint256 _bidId)
        acceptedLoan(_bidId, "lenderClaimCollateral")
        Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
        address _collateralRecipient = bid.lender;

        _lenderCloseLoanWithRecipient(_bidId, _collateralRecipient);
    function lenderCloseLoanWithRecipient(
        uint256 _bidId,
        address _collateralRecipient
    ) external {
        _lenderCloseLoanWithRecipient(_bidId, _collateralRecipient);

As can be seen, both functions call internal function _lenderCloseLoanWithRecipient.

    function _lenderCloseLoanWithRecipient(
        uint256 _bidId,
        address _collateralRecipient
    ) internal acceptedLoan(_bidId, "lenderClaimCollateral") {
        require(isLoanDefaulted(_bidId), "Loan must be defaulted.");

        Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
        bid.state = BidState.CLOSED;

        address sender = _msgSenderForMarket(bid.marketplaceId);
        require(sender == bid.lender, "only lender can close loan");


          address collateralManagerForBid = address(_getCollateralManagerForBid(_bidId)); 

          if( collateralManagerForBid == address(collateralManagerV2) ){
             require( _collateralRecipient == address(bid.lender));
             ICollateralManager(collateralManagerForBid).lenderClaimCollateral(_bidId );


        emit LoanClosed(_bidId);

Notice this validation require(sender == bid.lender, "only lender can close loan");. If a lender claims loan NFT, the bid.lender will be USING_LENDER_MANAGER. This means that this check will fail and lender will not be able to close the loan. Also the same validation can be seen in setRepaymentListenerForBid.

Not being able to get lending tokens

Lender got his loan NFT and now his bid is either PAID or LIQUIDATED. This will call the internal function _sendOrEscrowFunds:

    function _sendOrEscrowFunds(uint256 _bidId, Payment memory _payment)
        Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
        address lender = getLoanLender(_bidId);

        uint256 _paymentAmount = _payment.principal + _payment.interest;

        // some code

This time the lender is determined by calling getLoanLender function:

    function getLoanLender(uint256 _bidId)
        returns (address lender_)
        lender_ = bids[_bidId].lender;

        if (lender_ == address(USING_LENDER_MANAGER)) {
            return lenderManager.ownerOf(_bidId);

        //this is left in for backwards compatibility only
        if (lender_ == address(lenderManager)) {
            return lenderManager.ownerOf(_bidId);

If the bid.lender is USING_LENDER_MANAGER, then the owner of the NFT is the lender. However this may not be true as the lender can lose(transfer to another account or get stolen), or sell(without knowing it's purpose) . This means that the new owner of the NFT will get the lending tokens as well.


Lenders not being able to close a loan or get back lending tokens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


For the first problem use getLoanLender() instead of bid.lender. Also in getLoanLender do not determine the lender by the owner of the NFT, but instead add a mapping that will keep track of who the real lender is.

I agree with the fix to use getLoanLender().

However we do want the owner of the NFT to be able to close the loan not the original lender (if the nft is transferred) so there is not a need to add another mapping.

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.