
0xadrii - Substracting repaymentAmount instead of _flashAmount when computing the funds remaining in executeOperation will make the call fail for payments where the flash borrowed amount was higher than the loan repayment amount

Closed this issue · 4 comments



Substracting repaymentAmount instead of _flashAmount when computing the funds remaining in executeOperation will make the call fail for payments where the flash borrowed amount was higher than the loan repayment amount


Substracting repaymentAmount instead of _flashAmount when computing the fundsRemaining in the executeOperation function from FlashRolloverLoan_G5 will make the function always fail because more assets than the intended will be transferred to the borrower.

Vulnerability Detail

The FlashRolloverLoan_G5 contract allows users to rollover their existing loans using a flash loan from AAVE. In order to do so, the rolloverLoanWithFlash function is called. This will trigger a flasloan that will execute the executeOperation callback and transfer the flash loan funds to FlashRolloverLoan_G5:

// FlashRolloverLoan_G5.sol
function executeOperation(
        address _flashToken,
        uint256 _flashAmount,
        uint256 _flashFees,
        address _initiator,
        bytes calldata _data
    ) external virtual onlyFlashLoanPool returns (bool) {

        uint256 repaymentAmount = _repayLoanFull(

        AcceptCommitmentArgs memory acceptCommitmentArgs = abi.decode(

        // Accept commitment and receive funds to this contract

        (uint256 newLoanId, uint256 acceptCommitmentAmount) = _acceptCommitment( 

        //approve the repayment for the flash loan
            _flashAmount + _flashFees

        uint256 fundsRemaining = acceptCommitmentAmount +
            _rolloverArgs.borrowerAmount -
            repaymentAmount - 

        if (fundsRemaining > 0) {

        emit RolloverLoanComplete(

        return true;

The executeOperation will perform the following steps:

  1. The _repayLoanFull function will be called. This will repay the specified loan in full using the _flashAmount assets, which are the assets requested to AAVE’s flash loan. It is important to note that the requested _flashAmount can differ from the actual amount repaid in the loan, which is returned and stored in the repaymentAmount variable, meaning that the repaymentAmount could be smaller than _flashAmount.
  2. After this, the _acceptCommitment function will be called. This function will create a new loan, and acceptCommitmentAmount of collateral will be transferred to the**FlashRolloverLoan_G5** contract.
  3. Finally, the flash loan will be repaid. Prior to repaying it, a computation will be performed to check the fundsRemaining in the contract. fundsRemaining is the amount that can be transferred to the borrower after repaying the flash loan.

The problem is that the fundsRemaining are computed by substracting the repaymentAmount, instead of the _flashAmount.

As mentioned in step 1, the _flashAmount requested by the user when performing the flash loan can be greater than the actual amount repaid for the loan. However, the fundsRemaining computation does not consider this situation, and wrongly substracts repaymentAmount instead of _flashAmount, assuming that the difference between _flashAmount and repaymentAmount are assets that belong to the borrower, when in reality belong to the repayment of the flash loan (note how the prior approval to the pool approves _flashAmount + _flashFees instead of repaymentAmount + _flashFees).

This will make the executeOperation to always fail when the difference between _flashAmount and repaymentAmount is greater than zero, because AAVE’s pool will try to pull _flashAmount + _flashFees from FlashRolloverLoan_G5, but only _flashAmount - repaymentAmount + _flashFees will remain in the contract.


Medium. This is a likely scenario where the executeOperation will always fail if the amount requested by the user in the flash loan is greater than the amount needed to fully repay the loan.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Substract _flashAmount instead of repaymentAmount when computing the fundsRemaining:

// FlashRolloverLoan_G5
function executeOperation(
        address _flashToken,
        uint256 _flashAmount,
        uint256 _flashFees,
        address _initiator,
        bytes calldata _data
    ) external virtual onlyFlashLoanPool returns (bool) {
          uint256 fundsRemaining = acceptCommitmentAmount +
            _rolloverArgs.borrowerAmount -
-            repaymentAmount - 
+            _flashAmount - 

i believe this is invalid because

  1. _flashAmount is an ephemeral number, it is added and then it is taken back out so it is NOT part of funds remaining
  2. the value _borrowerAmount is what makes up the difference -- it is the small amount the borrower has to put in to pay the flah fees and other fees

We know rollover definitely works . Wont fix .

Hey, I believe this was wrongly closed.

This is the same issue as #45 . This comment here shows an example where this scenario could occur and details how the issue could arise.

here are successful fx of it on mainnet

As we can see, there are several transactions failing in that contract, which are probably failing due to this issue.

@0xadrii I recognize that, so I believe both this issue and #45 is invalid. The user not understanding how to use the roll-over functionality wouldn't constitute a valid issue to me. There is no difference in the V4 and V5 versions for this functionality. Also could you dm me for further enquiries since I didn't request for input here?


Here is the V4 version of the contract (see FlashRolloverLoan_G4.sol), where the computations are identical and consistent with sponsor comments:

    function executeOperation(
        address _flashToken,
        uint256 _flashAmount,
        uint256 _flashFees,
        address _initiator,
        bytes calldata _data
    ) external virtual onlyFlashLoanPool returns (bool) {
            _initiator == address(this),
            "This contract must be the initiator"

        RolloverCallbackArgs memory _rolloverArgs = abi.decode(

        uint256 repaymentAmount = _repayLoanFull(

        AcceptCommitmentArgs memory acceptCommitmentArgs = abi.decode(

        // Accept commitment and receive funds to this contract

        (uint256 newLoanId, uint256 acceptCommitmentAmount) = _acceptCommitment(

        //approve the repayment for the flash loan
            _flashAmount + _flashFees

        uint256 fundsRemaining = acceptCommitmentAmount +
            _rolloverArgs.borrowerAmount -
            repaymentAmount -

        if (fundsRemaining > 0) {

        emit RolloverLoanComplete(

        return true;