
CodeWasp - The cycle payment due may span over approx. 2 cycles and block the borrower from paying

Opened this issue · 6 comments



The cycle payment due may span over approx. 2 cycles and block the borrower from paying


If a borrower makes the expected cycle payment early in the first payment cycle and then tries to make the cycle payment in the second cycle, the payment reverts, due to insufficient amount.

Vulnerability Detail

Consider the following bid parameters:

  • Principal amount: 30000
  • acceptedTimestamp: 100
  • lastRepaidTimestamp: 100 + 1 * 24 * 3600 (1 day after the bid was accepted)
  • loanDuration: 3 * 30 * 24 * 3600 ( 3 months)
  • totalRepaid: Payment({ principal: 10000, interest: 200 })
  • Terms:
    paymentCycleAmount: 10000 (pay 10000 each month)
    paymentCycle: 30 * 24 * 3600 (1 month)
    APR: 1200 (12%)
  • State: BidState.PENDING
  • paymentType: PaymentType.EMI

In our example, the borrower has already paid the minimum amount for the first month, 1 day after the bid was accepted, by calling repayLoan(bidId, 10000). Now, the borrower calls TellerV2::repayLoanMinimum to make their regular payment on the day 58, that is, block.timestamp == 100 + 58 * 24 * 3600. Since the borrower has paid for the first month already, they would expect the minimum amount to be 10000 plus interest, that is, the payment for the second cycle. However, the call to TellerV2::repayLoanMinimum reverts, if the borrower approves only 10000 plus interest (below 300).

The call reverts, as the minimum expected payment is now 19000, which is close to the total owed amount (20000 + interest). This can be clearly seen, when the borrower calls repayLoan(bidId, 10000 + 300):

  [Revert] PaymentNotMinimum(1, 10300 [1.03e4], 19000 [1.9e4])

The root cause of this issue is the computation in V2Calculations::calculateAmountOwed:

>> uint256 owedTime = _timestamp - uint256(_lastRepaidTimestamp);
   if (_bid.paymentType == PaymentType.Bullet) {
   } else {
        // Default to PaymentType.EMI
        // Max payable amount in a cycle
        // NOTE: the last cycle could have less than the calculated payment amount
        uint256 owedAmount = isLastPaymentCycle
            ? owedPrincipal_ + interest_
>>          : (_bid.terms.paymentCycleAmount * owedTime) /

        duePrincipal_ = Math.min(owedAmount - interest_, owedPrincipal_);

Basically, when the difference between two payments in owedTime is closer to two cycles, the borrower has to make two payment, notwithstanding the actual payment schedule.

A detailed unit test using TellerV2_Override:

See the complete unit test
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import { StdStorage, stdStorage } from "forge-std/StdStorage.sol";
import { Testable } from "../Testable.sol";
import { TellerV2_Override } from "./TellerV2_Override.sol";

import { Bid, BidState, Collateral, Payment, LoanDetails, Terms, ActionNotAllowed } from "../../contracts/TellerV2.sol";
import { PaymentType, PaymentCycleType } from "../../contracts/libraries/V2Calculations.sol";

import { ReputationManagerMock } from "../../contracts/mock/ReputationManagerMock.sol";
import { CollateralManagerMock } from "../../contracts/mock/CollateralManagerMock.sol";
import { LenderManagerMock } from "../../contracts/mock/LenderManagerMock.sol";
import { MarketRegistryMock } from "../../contracts/mock/MarketRegistryMock.sol";

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

import "../tokens/TestERC20Token.sol";

import "lib/forge-std/src/console.sol";

contract audit_TellerV2_bids_test is Testable {
    using stdStorage for StdStorage;

    TellerV2_Override tellerV2;

    TestERC20Token lendingToken;

    TestERC20Token lendingTokenZeroDecimals;

    User borrower;
    User lender;
    User receiver;

    User marketOwner;

    User feeRecipient;

    MarketRegistryMock marketRegistryMock;

    ReputationManagerMock reputationManagerMock;
    CollateralManagerMock collateralManagerMock;
    LenderManagerMock lenderManagerMock;

    uint256 marketplaceId = 100;

    //have to copy and paste events in here to expectEmit
    event SubmittedBid(
        uint256 indexed bidId,
        address indexed borrower,
        address receiver,
        bytes32 indexed metadataURI

    function setUp() public {
        tellerV2 = new TellerV2_Override();

        marketRegistryMock = new MarketRegistryMock();
        reputationManagerMock = new ReputationManagerMock();
        collateralManagerMock = new CollateralManagerMock();
        lenderManagerMock = new LenderManagerMock();

        borrower = new User();
        lender = new User();
        receiver = new User();

        marketOwner = new User();
        feeRecipient = new User();

        lendingToken = new TestERC20Token("Wrapped Ether", "WETH", 1e30, 18);
        lendingTokenZeroDecimals = new TestERC20Token(
            "Wrapped Ether",

    function setMockBid(uint256 bidId) public {
                borrower: address(borrower),
                lender: address(lender),
                receiver: address(receiver),
                marketplaceId: marketplaceId,
                _metadataURI: "0x1234",
                loanDetails: LoanDetails({
                    lendingToken: lendingToken,
                    principal: 30000,
                    timestamp: 100,
                    acceptedTimestamp: 100,
                    lastRepaidTimestamp: 100 + 1 * 24 * 3600, // 1 day after
                    loanDuration: 3 * 30 * 24 * 3600, // 3 months
                    totalRepaid: Payment({ principal: 10000, interest: 200 })
                terms: Terms({
                    paymentCycleAmount: 10000,      // pay 10000
                    paymentCycle: 30 * 24 * 3600,   // each month
                    APR: 1200                       // 12%
                state: BidState.PENDING,
                paymentType: PaymentType.EMI

    function test_repay_loan_close_to_two_months() public {
        uint256 bidId = 1;

        tellerV2.mock_setBidState(bidId, BidState.ACCEPTED);
        // warp by 58 days since the bid was accepted
        vm.warp(100 + 58 * 24 * 3600);

        assertEq(block.timestamp, 100 + 58 * 24 * 3600);

        //set the account that will be paying the loan off

        // approve the next payment + interest

        lendingToken.approve(address(tellerV2), 10000 + 300);

        // this call reverts
        tellerV2.repayLoan(bidId, 10000 + 300);
        assertTrue(tellerV2.repayLoanWasCalled(), "repay loan was not called");


contract User {}


The borrower is unable to make the payment for the current payment cycle, even though they have sufficient funds to do so. Unless the user makes the payment of approximately two payment cycles (instead of one), their loan would be liquidated, and they would lose the collateral.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use the payment schedule as computed by V2Calculations::calculateNextDueDate in V2Calculations::calculateAmountOwed. I would expect that if the borrower owes a payment for the current cycle, this should be their minimum due amount (plus interest).

I think this is actually something we would like to fix related to the style of cycle as it is odd.

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

@nevillehuang is this in scope? It is out of scope according to the files in the readme. This was the response of the watson.

The issue manifests itself via external calls of TellerV2, e.g., repayLoanMinimum. As a result, the borrower cannot pay their loan and loses the collateral. The root cause is in V2Calculations but the issue is in how TellerV2 is using V2Calculations.

I understand what it means but I would like some clarity. Some people like me did not even look at this file due to this fact. I would like to know the standard/rule here so I can take this into consideration going forward.


potential issues in the libraries won't automatically be out of scope based on sherlock scoping details. Just letting you know for your future contests.

  1. In case the vulnerability exists in a library and an in-scope contract uses it and is affected by this bug this is a valid issue.

Thank you! Thought so that is why I did not escalate.

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.