sherlock-project/sherlock returns false positive when dot is used

urlan opened this issue · 8 comments


  • [ X ] I'm reporting a website that is returning false positive results
  • [ X ] I've checked for similar site support requests including closed ones
  • [ X ] I've checked for pull requests attempting to fix this false positive
  • I'm only reporting one site (create a separate issue for each site)


Example: python sherlock

Username on does not return, but It removes all letters after dot.

I tested this with latest and it immediately seems to work. What version are you running?

I'm using lattest version. But I refer to access website.

Did you try to access Try it and take a look at URL.

I see the issue. If the username is x.y, the genius url will return as when the real url should be since genius just removes all dots from the username in the url

Thanks for opening this issue and reporting this problem, @urlan :)

I checked quickly, and it seems that other sites also have the same policy of removing the dot and strings after the dot in the username, not just the Genius site.

I will look into this more carefully soon, and we will make an update to fix the problem if possible.

De nada, Matheus. Eu que agradeço pela ferramenta. Abração.


Huh. Just ran a few tests and you're right. Didn't even realize that was happening.

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I probably missed a couple but those were my incorrect hits with I've addressed these ones with a regex check ^[^.]*?$ in #2068 as well

Thanks for identifying other sites that follow the same policy, @ppfeister.

This isn't related to this issue, but:

I noticed that you're quite engaged and have been contributing a lot to the project in recent days. Thank you very much for that. I will review all your contributions. It might take a bit of time (I've been quite busy lately), but rest assured we will do it as soon as possible. Again, thank you.

@matheusfelipeog No worries! And really, no rush either.
Honestly wouldn't have even pinged if not for replying to the above. Not tryna be a "why hasn't my readme typo fix been approved yet!" person.

If you stumble upon any that were missed but can't address, feel free to drop a ping. In the meantime I'll probably add a few more while it waits for review.

Considering opening a PR to address 429s en masse and inverse validation (rather than error-based only), but those would probably come after the current ones. Possible merge conflicts if done before, depending on method. That would be a larger change as well so obviously subject to further review.