
Release .exe executable build

zimonitrome opened this issue Β· 111 comments


  • I'm reporting a feature request
  • I've checked for similar feature requests including closed ones


It has come to my attention that some people attempting to use this repo are foreign to using Python.

Some people don't care too much about the code. They just want to download this amazing application and use it.

They might not understand why there's code, but would appreciate if a .EXE file was made and was simply handed to them. The dedicated maintainers might expect everyone to be developers that understands code. Well, some are not and they don't understand it. They only know to download and install applications. So what's the solution? Make an EXE file and give it to them. Again, thanks to the dedicated maintainers!

Just install python and do the 4 steps it's not that hard bro

Just install python and do the 4 steps it's not that hard bro

It absolutely is, you just don't understand how un-tech-savy the average person is. Experience Hell

My two cents (I've been observing the situation on Reddit): Probably not worth it.

Providing binaries would instantly lower the barrier to entry and increase the amount of people who don't know what they are doing, attempting to use Sherlock, creating issues for otherwise trivial questions because they can't quite comprehend how it works.


how un-tech-savy the average person

I don't see why "the average person" would suddenly carry out an OSINT operation? (Unless they are trying to find someone's social accounts and come to Sherlock from the Google keyword "find usernames across social networks", in which case, please get the binaries as far away from those as possible)

if a user cannot handle installing python and the steps they are 100% going to be unable to properly use a command line program properly and at that point to satisfy that you would need to actually make a UI which i imagine is something that the sherlock maintainers dont find a valuable use of time for an OSINT tool not even meant for a non tech savy person

The Python nature of this project inadvertently works as a minimal filter against script kiddie wannabes that encountered it somewhere as 'a tool to stalk someone online'. Not only it's advisable to raise the barrier of entry even further, but what you propose is directly immoral and despicable, and you should be banned from here with all speediness.

I originally made this issue as a tongue in cheek joke and nod to the Reddit post, but I'm gonna try to argue for it nevertheless.

"un-tech-savy people" are already trying to use this repository, evident by some of the hilarious issues. Why don't we think that lowering the barrier for using the software would lead to these users having a successful experience (as in fulfilling their goals) and therefore not make these silly issues?

I don't see why "the average person" would suddenly carry out an OSINT operation? (Unless they are trying to find someone's social accounts and come to Sherlock from the Google keyword "find usernames across social networks", in which case, please get the binaries as far away from those as possible)

The first and only sentence describing this repo is literally "Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks". Claiming that this repo is some "extremely complex OSINT resource" is a bit silly, since all of this can pretty much be done through Google.

Nevertheless it is a neat tool that speeds up the process.

I don't see why authors of a stable and popular open source project wouldn't want more people to have access to their tool.

As far as user interface is concerned, the binary app could simply open the default shell, prompt the user for a username, load and display social media accounts, then wait for the user to enter a specific key to exit. No grapical UI needed, and no other options since I doubt many of these users would want to use them anyway.

The first and only sentence describing this repo is literally "Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks". Claiming that this repo is some "extremely complex OSINT resource" is a bit silly, since all of this can pretty much be done through Google.

It is a neat tool, can't deny. But you also can't deny it is (currently) the result that will be in your face when you Google for something that could be used for nefarious purposes.

In this case it might just be preferred to have at least some higher barrier to prevent (as the other people here mentioned) essentially script kiddies from doing it.

And if you know what tool you need already, or have some experiences, well, copying a few lines into a terminal is not going to be an issue for you, so why bother?

Claiming that this repo is some "extremely complex OSINT resource" is a bit silly, since all of this can pretty much be done through Google.

It's already evident from the word-salad issues that these people have the hacking chops of an ape with a purpose to stalk someone. Ascribing more intelligence to them than they have just makes the matter seem lighter than it is.

If you ever saw the deluge of creepy messages from randoms that women get on dating resources and social networks, you'd know how serious it is. But you don't.

I don't think this tool was ever meant for an average person, as it's strictly a CLI tool. Even if an .EXE file was made available, it would still not be useful to people who can't even install it.

Also, a tool like this SHOULD have some barrier to entry, and most people who are requesting .EXE probably aren't using it for anything good.

Here's an idea. We should add a joke .exe file that immediately opens a rickroll in the browser. That'd be fun.

If you dont understand the terminal maybe this isnt for you?

reserving my place here during this historical moment

Because this repo doesn't need an influx of morons asking how to hAcK An iNsTaGraM

We should add a joke .exe file that immediately opens a rickroll in the browser. That'd be fun.

Or even better: An EXE file that deliberately listens on a random socket (to trigger personal firewall warnings), then pops up something telling them "Spyware successfully installed" or something. Not that it ACTUALLY does anything harmful, of course, but it says so, as a reminder of what happens when you download binaries that you don't understand.

At least with a .py file, you can skim over the code before running it.

We should add a joke .exe file that immediately opens a rickroll in the browser. That'd be fun.

Or even better: An EXE file that deliberately listens on a random socket (to trigger personal firewall warnings), then pops up something telling them "Spyware successfully installed" or something. Not that it ACTUALLY does anything harmful, of course, but it says so, as a reminder of what happens when you download binaries that you don't understand.

At least with a .py file, you can skim over the code before running it.

At this point just upload bonzi buddy renamed as sherlock.exe

Let them cook.

mannnnn just talk in first person

Let them cook.

Amazing. Got that py2exe 400+MB binary 😍

At this point just rewrite the whole shebang in c++ and watch the normies mald to their demise.

we will be there.

Since the python is so hard to get running you might as well just write the whole thing in asm.

No .msi installer?

Windows users are amusing sometimes.

Halfway through the download for lolz, I remembered I daily a MacBook :)

The worst part of this issue is that I can't tell if he's trolling πŸ˜†

At this point just rewrite the whole shebang in c++ and watch the normies mald to their demise.

we will be there.

Let's rewrite it in rust πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€

At this point just rewrite the whole shebang in c++ and watch the normies mald to their demise.
we will be there.

Let's rewrite it in rust πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€

I second this

What if we make it in C++ and force users to install 10 GB of build tools just to compile this project into a .exe file

This effort is not enough. We should upload this to the following official and well-known storefronts for maximum discoverability and user-friendliness:

.dmg when?

This effort is not enough. We should upload this to the following official and well-known storefronts for maximum user-friendliness:

This is not enough for Linux. It should provide:

  • AppImage
  • .deb
  • .tar.gz
  • .rpm
  • Snap
  • Nix
  • bash install script
  • fish install script

A gentoo variant needed too!

This effort is not enough. We should upload this to the following official and well-known storefronts for maximum user-friendliness:

This is not enough for Linux. It should provide:

  • AppImage
  • .deb
  • .tar.gz
  • .rpm
  • Snap
  • Nix
  • bash install script
  • fish install script

I'd rather they spent the resources in publishing to the FreeBSD Ports instead. We can't let Linux become the new Windows (in terms of software availability), can we?

Can we also include a package for my Samsung smart fridge whilst we're at it? It shouldn't be too hard, right? My friend who does computers said it should be easy and only take 10 minutes

Maybe an .exe could require the user to create / login to an account on each of the scanned platforms.
Manually, each time
And ask the user if they want to inform the scanned person via DM that they have been looked up

Can someone burn it or use .iso?

Just install python and do the 4 steps it's not that hard bro

It absolutely is, you just don't understand how un-tech-savy the average person is. Experience Hell

you're being lazy its literally one line of code to make an exe, use stack overflow or use chatgpt to help you.

Just install python and do the 4 steps it's not that hard bro

It absolutely is, you just don't understand how un-tech-savy the average person is. Experience Hell

you're being lazy its literally one line of code to make an exe, use stack overflow or use chatgpt to help you.

If it's one line of code then why is it so hard to provide an exe? Checkmate, atheist.

Just install python and do the 4 steps it's not that hard bro

It absolutely is, you just don't understand how un-tech-savy the average person is. Experience Hell

you're being lazy its literally one line of code to make an exe, use stack overflow or use chatgpt to help you.

If it's one line of code then why is it so hard to provide an exe? Checkmate, atheist.

Because everyone knows the people crying for an exe are people who are lazy and want the work done for them. learn to code sweetheart don't depend on others.

At this point just rewrite the whole shebang in c++ and watch the normies mald to their demise.

we will be there.

Rewrite it in node.js and have it depend on leftpad.

I want to be part of history...

delete this

Best I can do is a .bat file:

git clone
cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd sherlock
echo Please enter the username you want to search for:
set /p userName=
python %userName%
echo Press any key to exit...

it's literally just the installation instructions


Ought to make hardware for this so its plug and play :D

Can't tell if the original post is a troll or serious

@NicusorN5 #2006 (comment)

I originally made this issue as a tongue in cheek joke and nod to the Reddit post, but I'm gonna try to argue for it nevertheless.

Best I can do is a .bat file:

git clone
cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd sherlock
echo Please enter the username you want to search for:
set /p userName=
python %userName%
echo Press any key to exit...

it's literally just the installation instructions

might be possible to also install python. does windows have a native way of downloading files from a batch script?

might be possible to also install python. does windows have a native way of downloading files from a batch script?

You can use msiexec to run the installers for python and git, but ideally you would want to check if they are installed first so you don't break stuff.

Also, you might need to refresh the cmd after installing them so it can recognize the new commands

At this point just rewrite the whole shebang in c++ and watch the normies mald to their demise.

we will be there.

What if we make it in C++ and force users to install 10 GB of build tools just to compile this project into a .exe file

You are all thinking too positive, we must make the build environment hell. It's not just about downloading the tools, we gotta make it hell by having each cpp file as their own library that cant be included. Put each function into its own C++ file, for even more fun make hell dependency tree then add a obvious recursive dependency at the end, something that most nerds could spot when compiling or reading the first line of the gcc error output.

g++ -c -o sher_help.o sher_help.cpp
g++ -c -o sher_parse_user_input.o sher_parse_user_input.cpp
g++ -c -o sher_process_arguments.o sher_process_arguments.cpp
g++ -c -o sher_process_domain.o sher_process_domain.cpp -I$CURL_INCLUDE_DIR -L$CURL_LIB_DIR -lcurl -Wl,-rpath=$CURL_LIB_DIR
ar rcs libsher_functions.a sher_help.o sher_parse_user_input.o sher_process_arguments.o sher_process_domain.o
g++ -o sherlock sher_main.cpp -L. -lsher_functions -Wl,-Bstatic -lsher_functions -Wl,-Bdynamic -L$CURL_LIB_DIR -lcurl -Wl,-rpath=$CURL_LIB_DIR
strip sherlock

# Compile each function separately into object files
# Compile sher_process_domain.cpp with Curl library and library path
# Create a static library from the object files
# Compile the main program and link it with both shared and static libraries
# `strip` to remove unnecessary symbols from the executable

If you can't comprehend 3 fucking console commands, why are you even interested in using a CLI app?

Windows users these days...

Best I can do is a .bat file:

git clone
cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd sherlock
echo Please enter the username you want to search for:
set /p userName=
python %userName%
echo Press any key to exit...

it's literally just the installation instructions

might be possible to also install python. does windows have a native way of downloading files from a batch script?

You could just use a PowerShell script to check if git and python are installed and if not invoke winget to install them, or just force install git and python with .bat

If you can't comprehend 3 fucking console commands, why are you even interested in using a CLI app?

Windows users these days...

When I order a sleazy greasy lean and mean pizza I don't want to be told to make it myself. Kapish?

i think the best solution here clearly would be a electron app that downloads the required exe. just think about the advantages of chromium: it could even allow to have a button to download it again!

If you can't comprehend 3 fucking console commands, why are you even interested in using a CLI app?
Windows users these days...

When I order a sleezy greasy lean and mean pizza I don't want to be told to make it myself, kapish?

If someone doesn't know how to navigate the terminal (or command prompt in the case of Windows), then they are not the target audience for Sherlock and MOST likely don't have the ethics of properly using this tool

If you can't comprehend 3 fucking console commands, why are you even interested in using a CLI app?
Windows users these days...

When I order a sleazy greasy lean and mean pizza I don't want to be told to make it myself. Kapish?

Tf you mean

i think the best solution here clearly would be a electron app that downloads the required exe. just think about the advantages of chromium: it could even allow to have a button to download it again!

I see your point, but Electron apps are resource intensive. I think instead we should rewrite it in pure assembly as its own operating system, for every CPU possible. This has the added advantage of controlling all dependencies because we implement them ourselves. And if you don’t want to dual-boot to use it, you can virtualise!

i think the best solution here clearly would be a electron app that downloads the required exe. just think about the advantages of chromium: it could even allow to have a button to download it again!

Instead of Chromium, why not use proper Chrome? Get spied on while you spy on others.

Hey! How come no one's talking about packaging a .DEB? While you're at it, how about an AppImage, Flatpak, RPM, zip, tarball run thru xzip, tarball run thru GZIP, some brain DMG, some emotional DMG, and just a plain old binary that works only on 64-bit linux-based systems?


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

EDIT: FYI I ran it in a Windows 10 vm with no network adapter, no usb, no shared folder, no possible connection to host machine. I know what I am doing.

Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

The .exe does nothing that you know of.

Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

might have been the whole point.

Where's the build for my RISC-V machine running TempleOS??


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

The .exe does nothing that you know of.


Alright so what does it do? It doesn't even print anything. Other .exe files work just fine. I installed librewolf with .exe, installed Bonzi Buddy with that .exe (I know it is a spyware, I just wanted to try how it looked like out of curiosity, since it was mentioned here), installed virtualbox guest additions with that .exe. They all worked just fine.


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

might have been the whole point.

400 mb for nothing? I expected at least a rick roll.


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

might have been the whole point.

400 mb for nothing? I expected at least a rick roll.

fair enough

Let them cook.


Someone forgot to build in a virtual environment

If you can't comprehend 3 fucking console commands, why are you even interested in using a CLI app?
Windows users these days...

When I order a sleazy greasy lean and mean pizza I don't want to be told to make it myself. Kapish?

You paid for that so you're expecting a good or service, this is given to you for free, make it yourself boo xoxo

If you can't comprehend 3 fucking console commands, why are you even interested in using a CLI app?

Windows users these days...

When I order a sleazy greasy lean and mean pizza I don't want to be told to make it myself. Kapish?

that can happen when trying to order pizza as a normal user, have you tried sudo make me a pizza?

Why stop at packaging it as an exe, bat, or msi? We should support .scr too!

Why stop at packaging it as an exe, bat, or msi? We should support .scr too!

Let's just rewrite it in HolyC for TempleOS while we're at it

People here talking about rewriting this in Rust... instead, we should focus on turning this into a website with prue JS without any frameworks and have it be pre ES6 of course. Newer versions are too bloated


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

The .exe does nothing that you know of.

Alright so what does it do? It doesn't even print anything. Other .exe files work just fine. I installed librewolf with .exe, installed Bonzi Buddy with that .exe (I know it is a spyware, I just wanted to try how it looked like out of curiosity, since it was mentioned here), installed virtualbox guest additions with that .exe. They all worked just fine.

I tried it in Windows Sandbox and it DID work (running from cmd just runs the regular sherlock and double clicking opens a cmd that runs the regular sherlock)

It's strictly a CLI program, I doubt you could still use it even with an exe.

It's strictly a CLI program, I doubt you could still use it even with an exe.

EXE CLI programs are totally a thing tho, if you double click one it just opens a terminal

It's strictly a CLI program, I doubt you could still use it even with an exe.

EXE CLI programs are totally a thing tho, if you double click one it just opens a terminal

You'd have to change it though so that it'll get the user name from STDIN instead of a CLI argument, and that it won't close automatically after finishing. Also, I doubt script kiddies who need EXEs use terminals with clickable links...

It's strictly a CLI program, I doubt you could still use it even with an exe.

EXE CLI programs are totally a thing tho, if you double click one it just opens a terminal

You'd have to change it though so that it'll get the user name from STDIN instead of a CLI argument, and that it won't close automatically after finishing. Also, I doubt script kiddies who need EXEs use terminals with clickable links...

I mean all CLI apps on windows are EXE files, including ones that take CLI args. I agree there isn't much reason to package Sherlock as one, but that isn't why

might be possible to also install python. does windows have a native way of downloading files from a batch script?

You can use msiexec to run the installers for python and git, but ideally you would want to check if they are installed first so you don't break stuff.

Also, you might need to refresh the cmd after installing them so it can recognize the new commands

maybe this would work

@echo off
REM so basically this code starts at main. 
REM go to :checkgit. check if git is installed. If it is go to :checkpy, otherwise, go to :installgit and then go to :checkpy. You end up in :checkpy anyway.
REM go to :checkpy, check if python is installed. if it is, go straight to :main2, otherwise, go to :installgit first and then go to :main2. you end up in :main2 later, which is just code that goes after the install git and py functions

goto :checkgit

git --version >nul 2>&1 && ( echo "found Git" && goto :checkpy) || ( echo "Could not find git, installing" && call :installgit)

python --version >nul 2>&1 && ( echo "found Python" && goto :main2 ) || ( echo "Could not find Python, installing" && call :installpy)

goto :checkpy
goto :main2

@echo on
git clone
cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd sherlock
echo Please enter the username you want to search for:
set /p userName=
python %userName%
echo Press any key to exit...

actually hang on if i'm going to try and install git and python i'd need to check if I have admin

done (below)

@echo off
REM so basically this code starts at main. 
REM go to :checkgit. check if git is installed. If it is go to :checkpy, otherwise, go to :installgit and then go to :checkpy. You end up in :checkpy anyway.
REM go to :checkpy, check if python is installed. if it is, go straight to :main2, otherwise, go to :installgit first and then go to :main2. you end up in :main2 later, which is just code that goes after the install git and py functions

goto :main

goto :checkgit

git --version >nul 2>&1 && ( echo "found Git" && goto :checkpy) || ( echo "Could not find git, installing" && call :installgit)

python --version >nul 2>&1 && ( echo "found Python" && goto :main2 ) || ( echo "Could not find Python, installing" && call :installpy)

if exist %windir%\system32\config\systemprofile\* (
  goto :checkpy
) else (
  echo "error: you don't have elevated priviledges, script ended.
  echo Press any key to exit...
  goto :eof
goto :main2

@echo on
if exist .\sherlock\ (
  echo "do something here"
) else (
  git clone

cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd sherlock
echo Please enter the username you want to search for:
set /p userName=
python %userName%
echo Press any key to exit...

Let them cook.

nice release
I'm subbing this issue


Just install python and do the 4 steps it's not that hard bro

It absolutely is, you just don't understand how un-tech-savy the average person is. Experience Hell

if you have Chocolatey, you can use 5 commands to install Git, Python and this app (and run it) in Windows, or more better, you can use Linux. Just

choco install python git
git clone
cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
py userName


sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git
git clone
cd sherlock
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 userName

It isn't hard right? (Note: you need Admin access to do this (it isn't hard too) just search CMD, right click at first results, and "Run as Administrator")

I can't belive I spent my night on this, but here is your damn .exe

I can't belive I spent my night on this, but here is your damn .exe

I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE FUCKING ANITVIRUS! i just want to download this stupid fucking application and use it WHY IS THERE A ZIP??? MAKE A FUCKING .EXE FILE AND GIVE IT TO ME. these dumbfucks think that everyone is a developer and understands security. well i am not and i don't understand it. I only know to download and install applications. SO WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A ZIP? make an EXE file and give it to me. STUPID FUCKING SMELLY NERDS


I can't believe I spent my night on this, but here is your damn .exe

The Window will probably freeze while it's searching, it is a feature.

Lmao, yeah I noticed that when I was testing it, the program literally eats up as much of the CPU as possible.


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

The .exe does nothing that you know of.


Alright so what does it do? It doesn't even print anything. Other .exe files work just fine. I installed librewolf with .exe, installed Bonzi Buddy with that .exe (I know it is spyware, I just wanted to try how it looked out of curiosity since it was mentioned here), and installed VirtualBox guest additions with that .exe. They all worked just fine.

Idk works on my machine.

(Windows 11 Pro)

The exe isn't made for peeps with extensive knowledge that can fully understand the sophisticated intricacies of establishing a safe, and secure virtual sandbox that would limit both the tracking capabilities and potential malicious activity that this program may give way to, note that your sandbox environment may be hindering the processes of part or all of the packaged code/libraries within the exe

TL;DR; virtual environment issues suck πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Since the whole exe gave an idea, I've forked sherlock to add a script so now it can be installed with pipx:

pipx install git+

Best part is that pipx will create a exe for it:

where.exe sherlock
# ~\.local\bin\sherlock.exe



Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

The .exe does nothing that you know of.


Alright so what does it do? It doesn't even print anything. Other .exe files work just fine. I installed librewolf with .exe, installed Bonzi Buddy with that .exe (I know it is spyware, I just wanted to try how it looked out of curiosity since it was mentioned here), and installed VirtualBox guest additions with that .exe. They all worked just fine.

Idk works on my machine.

(Windows 11 Pro)

The exe isn't made for peeps with extensive knowledge that can fully understand the sophisticated intricacies of establishing a safe, and secure virtual sandbox that would limit both the tracking capabilities and potential malicious activity that this program may give way to, note that your sandbox environment may be hindering the processes of part or all of the packaged code/libraries within the exe

TL;DR; virtual environment issues suck πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Works fine in a Debian VM (with more RAM than that Windows VM) via wine. I didn't run it in bare metal Windows because of the sentence "Imagine trusting random code built by someone on the internet. :/" in the release page.


Works fine in a Debian VM (with more RAM than that Windows VM) via wine. I didn't run it in bare metal Windows because of the sentence "Imagine trusting random code built by someone on the internet. :/" in the release page.

The sentence is to highlight an issue that users have where they just use technology without making sure it's safe.

To my knowledge, Sherlock is "safe".



Works fine in a Debian VM (with more RAM than that Windows VM) via wine. I didn't run it in bare metal Windows because of the sentence "Imagine trusting random code built by someone on the internet. :/" in the release page.

The sentence is to highlight an issue that users have where they just use technology without making sure it's safe.

To my knowledge, Sherlock is "safe".

K but I suspected you put something in it while creating that exe, like rick roll or any other jumpscare as a sort of prank, or worse yet delete the System32 folder or something else that will harm the system.

K but I suspected you put something in it while creating that exe, like rick roll or any other jumpscare as a sort of prank, or worse yet delete the System32 folder or something else that will harm the system.

I was tempted to rickroll, to be honest. However, it was an excellent opportunity to properly introduce the Twitter/Reddit audience that was curious about what Sherlock is to the software.

P.S. I was tempted to modify the code to get a perfect 420mb exe, but I have work to do.

Future kids of mine, know papi was here when this part of history took place.

I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 commits ago...

classic i was here moment


Let them cook.

The .exe does nothing. Just tried running it.

The .exe does nothing that you know of.

Alright so what does it do? It doesn't even print anything. Other .exe files work just fine. I installed librewolf with .exe, installed Bonzi Buddy with that .exe (I know it is a spyware, I just wanted to try how it looked like out of curiosity, since it was mentioned here), installed virtualbox guest additions with that .exe. They all worked just fine.

No one noticed it, so I'll let you know what happened. In a Windows environment, whenever you highlight or select text in a command prompt, it blocks the next write operation, waiting for an interrupt until the user has selected and copied the text. The white cursor you see on the window puts the CMD window into select mode, locking the thread that next writes to stdout until the user has finished their selection.

All that to say, it works; you just accidentally blocked the app from continuing. Reality is often more disappointing than a delayed Rickroll.

To be honest, I think this was really disrespectful
@zimonitrome is open source work a joke to you? a mean to make funny reddit posts? do you think it's ok to make a post like this and take other peoples time just to entertain yourself

To be honest, I think this was really disrespectful @zimonitrome is open source work a joke to you? a mean to make funny reddit posts? do you think it's ok to make a post like this and take other peoples time just to entertain yourself

While yes, this whole thread is kinda dumb and should probably be locked and closed, so is this take. HTTP has a status code called "I'm a Teapot". Sometimes devs like a joke, the megabytes of storage this thread takes on GitHub's servers is not really going to doom the whole project. If you don't want to "waste your time" on a joke I would suggest you...don't do that. And no, open source is not a joke. In this case it is the joke. Specifically the people that every single maintainer comes across every so often that are entitled and hostile about something that's given away for free. Chill out buddy.

do you think it's ok to make a post like this and take other peoples time just to entertain yourself

To be fair - this was entertaining many people, not just OP.

Let’s not take life too seriously at times, @JulianH99. While this thread and any subsequent issues should def be locked (I believe just this one thread was enough and do not endorse the new threads after this one), Open Source is full of hidden gems and Easter eggs. That Reddit post was entertaining solely due to the fact that we have all had at least one such entitled person disrespect the community. In a way, this is us laughing at these entitled people.

I do think the subsequent issues are uncalled for, this joke should’ve ended with this one issue.

Life’s beautiful. Time to lock this stupid issue, and any subsequent stupid issues that reference to that Reddit post.

It's strictly a CLI program, I doubt you could still use it even with an exe.

EXE CLI programs are totally a thing tho, if you double click one it just opens a terminal

Ah, I didn't mean it like that, I meant that even as an EXE I doubt that the OP of the issue thread knows how to navigate through a CLI interface.

Woe be the day that will come too soon when anyone can link chat gpt a github repo and have it do all the heavy lifting for them.

Saving my place here for this hilarious moment in my developer life 🀣

What's the big problem with providing an exe? Just rename to sherlock.exe