
Error from stars over time in README

Closed this issue · 4 comments


  • I'm reporting a bug in Sherlock's functionality
  • The bug I'm reporting is not a false positive or a false negative
  • I've verified that I'm running the latest version of Sherlock
  • I've checked for similar bug reports including closed ones
  • I've checked for pull requests that attempt to fix this bug


The README shows an error:

Przechwycenie obrazu ekranu_2024-02-19_14-21-47

Is this new? Could the attention from the EXE thing (which is, BTW, what brought me here. I don't care about stalking people) have generated enough new starts to break the chart?

Maybe, not sure. I also visited the project from the exe Reddit post found on Twitter.
When I see an error I always report it since from my experience most people don't report issues when see an error.

Thanks for opening this issue, @jcubic. It seems that this service indeed has some limitation, so I will replace it with star history.

Done ✅