
Current way to use these wonderful examples?

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I'd like to give this a shot - currently, I assume that I'd need to code copy a component into my own project, as this isn't currently published?

That's fine... I just want to check I'm not missing a trick?

Currently it's published nowhere, indeed. You would have to copy-paste into your codebase. I have tried to isolate it as much as possible.

It's actually not finished yet. Some components are still not available, and others might lack some functionalities. I was only systematic after some time of "stabilisation". Now I think I found a nice consistent way.

If you have issues, don't hesitate to ask!

raquo commented

@sherpal What do you think about publishing this library via Jitpack? It's based on git tags (or even just commit hashes), and the setup is simple (example), so the overhead of actual publishing should be minimal. You might even get PRs for unfinished features. It seems like an easy project to contribute to, much like my own Scala DOM Types.

This is a good idea, I'll look into that when I come back from vacations next week.

@raquo @Quafadas With this pr (#5), any commit to the publish branch will create new releases that people will be able to use via

resolvers += "jitpack" at ""

libraryDependencies ++= List(
  "com.github.sherpal" % "LaminarSAPUI5Bindings" % "1.3.0-6e2c8e33", // change version and hash accordingly
  "com.raquo" %%% "laminar" % "0.14.2"

I still need to write the docs for this, and then we can announce it publicly ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿš€

raquo commented

Awesome, thank you!

People will need to test and challenge the docs, but at least it's there!

Next step will be a demo/test project to showcase the thing.