
onChange in Select does not work with Laminar

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I try to use Laminar's Var with the Select component.

But it does not work. I tried different things (I found in similar components - there is none with Select)

As soon I add onChange it stops working - with the last two versions I can select the option as long as the option is after the selected option. If the last is selected - you can't even change it anymore.

val allowedSteps =
  List("my/path/to/dmnConfigs", "another/path", "yet/another/path")
    .map(p => Select.option(value := p, p))
val selectedPathVar: Var[String] = Var("another/path")

        value <-- selectedPathVar.signal,          
     // --> selectedPathVar,
    // _ => onChange.mapToValue --> (x =>  dom.window.alert(s"onChange_ ${x}")),
      //{x => println(x); x} --> selectedPathVar,
      inContext { thisNode =>
 => {
          }) --> selectedPathVar
        } , /* { x =>
        } --> selectedPathVar.writer*/

Do I miss something?

Yes, these Select are a bit counterintuitive regarding the native html <select>.
They don't work with a value on the Select itself. Rather, they work with each option having a selected attribute.

So, if you want to keep it in sync with some Observable, each option basically has to do

_.selected <-- => amISelected(v))

The amISelected depends on how you identify your options (for example with their value).

Does that help?

raquo commented

Ah so value <-- selectedPathVar.signal does not work because the Select web component simply doesn't have a value property, unlike the native DOM <select> element. Yeah, usually web component libraries try to match the native DOM props / events, but sometimes they have quirks like this.

@sherpal I see that SAP UI5 Select has selectedItemId and selectedItemKey properties – maybe they're just using a different name for what would normally be the value property? If so, worth adding to the interface.

Also, tangential PSA – avoid using value in any kind of select-s (whether DOM-native or SAP) if the list of options changes over time – much more robust to use option's selected property in that case. See raquo/Laminar#94

yes, thanks that works! This is my code now that works:

def ConfigurationPathsComp(
    basePath: String,
    selectedPathVar: Var[String],
    configuredPathsVar: Var[List[String]]
) =

  val configuredPaths = =>
          value := p,
          _.selected <-- == _)
          className := "configPathsSelect",
          children <-- configuredPaths,

          inContext { thisNode =>
   => {
            }) --> selectedPathVar
          } ,

Let me know if there are better ways - as there are quite a few;).

Indeed, they simply don't have a property value. They do have a selectedOption, but it's readonly (as reflected to be a def in the bindings), and they return the full html ui5-option element -- which I think is nice, because then we have all info, even custom data-stuff).
But from the doc, they don't have anything else.

@pme123 Your code is mostly ok, but rather than use the onChange within the inContext, you can use, it's there precisely to avoid it :D

I added an example in the demo to stress this use case