
Method Illuminate\Support\Str::replace does not exist.

ijeyg opened this issue · 5 comments

ijeyg commented

پکیج رو همین دیشب روی سیستم لاراول نصب کردم و با این کد قصد داشتم به درگاه سداد وصل بشم

$sadad = (new Invoice())->amount($order_total);

$back = route('', ['orderId' => $order->id, 'paymentMethod' => 'sadad']);

$response = Payment::via('sadad')->callBackUrl($back)->purchase($sadad, function ($driver, $transID) {

اما با این خطا مواجه شدم :‌ {message: "Method Illuminate\Support\Str::replace does not exist."}

FYI: @hos3ein


seems like the problem is caused by your PR. please fix it ASAP.

This method introduced in Laravel 8.41.0, we should also support lower versions, please use str_replace instead and left a PR to fix it.


last update not support laravel 6 and 7!

open this file : vendor/shetabit/payment/src/Provider/PaymentServiceProvider.php
clear all code and use this code: